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Former Committee: Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

41st Parliament (November 2004 - December 2005)
Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD

Review of Division 3 Part III of the ASIO Act 1979 - ASIO's questioning and detention powers
Under Part 4 Section 29 (bb)(i)(ii) and (c) of the Intelligence Services Act 2001
Parliamentary Paper No: 454/2005; Tabled: 30 November 2005
Date of Government response: 29 March 2006

Review of the Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2005
Parliamentary Paper No: 217/2005; Tabled: 12 September 2005
Government response not required

Review of the listing of four terrorist organisations
Parliamentary Paper No.: 208/2005; Tabled 5 September 2005
Government response: 17 August 2007
The listings are as follows:

  • Review of the listing of the Hizballah External Security Organisation as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Review of the listing of the Hamas Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Review of the listing of the Lashkar-e-Tayyiba as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Review of the listing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

Review of the listing of seven terrorist organisations
Parliamentary Paper No.: 187/2005; Tabled 9 August 2005
Government response: TBA
This report was tabled for the following listings.

  • Review of the listing of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Review of the listing of the Lashkar-e Jhangvi (LeJ) as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Review of the listing of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Review of the listing of the Jaish-e-Mohammad as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Review of the listing of Asbat al-Ansar as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Review of the listing of Ansar al-Islam as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Review of the listing of Islamic Army of Aden as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

Annual Report of Committee Activities 2004-2005
Parliamentary Paper No: 124/2005; Tabled: 30 May 2005
Government response not required

Review of the listing of Tanzim Qa'idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (the al-Zarqawi network) as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995
Parliamentary Paper No.: 123/2005; Tabled 25 May 2005
Government response: TBA

Review of the administration, expenditure and financial statements of ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Parliamentary Paper No.: 83/2005; Tabled 14 March 2005
Date of Government response: 1 November 2005

Review of the listing of six terrorist organisations
Parliamentary Paper No.: 67/2005; Tabled 7 March 2005
Government response: 17 August 2007
This report was tabled for the following listings.

  • Review of listing of the Abu Sayyaf Group as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Amendment Act 2004
  • Review of listing of the Armed Islamic Group as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Amendment Act 2004
  • Review of listing of the Jamiat ul-Ansar (JuA) as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Amendment Act 2004
  • Review of listing of the Salafist Group for Call and Combat as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Amendment Act 2004
  • Review of listing of Al Qa'ida as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Amendment Act 2004
  • Review of listing of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Amendment Act 2004

40th Parliament (February 2002 - August 2004)
Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD

Review of the administration, expenditure and financial statements of ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Under Part 4, Section 29 (1)(a) (lapsed - resumed in the 41st Parliament)

Annual Report of Committee Activities 2002-2003
Parliamentary Paper No. 143/2004; Tabled 16 June 2004
Government response not required

Review of listing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Amendment Act 2004
Parliamentary Paper No. 144/2004; Tabled 16 June 2004
Government response: TBA

Review of the Intelligence Services Amendment Bill 2003
Parliamentary Paper No. 71/2004; Tabled 11 March 2004
Date of Government response: 30 March 2004

Inquiry into Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Parliamentary Paper No. 47/2004; Tabled 1 March 2004
Government response not required

Private Review of Agency Security Arrangements
Parliamentary Paper No. 213/2003; Tabled 13 October 2003
Date of Government response: 7 September 2006

Annual Report 2001-2002
Parliamentary Paper No. 572/2002; Tabled 2 December 2002
Date of Government response: 21 August 2003

An Advisory Report on the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2002
Parliamentary Paper No. 290/2002; Tabled 5 June 2002
Date of Government response: 23 September 2002

Interim Report on the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2002 (PDF 17KB)
Parliamentary Paper No. n/a; Tabled 3 May 2002
Government response not required

Register of Committee Reports

For a list of reports by this Committee, see the Register of Committee Reports (1901 to current day).

Copies of submissions and transcripts of public hearings

Printed volumes of submissions and transcripts of evidence taken at public hearings for each of the above reports can be accessed at the National Library of Australia or by contacting the Committee Secretariat.
