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Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security
Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Annual Report of Committee Activities 2005-2006

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Committee reports and inquiries


Reports tabled:

  • Review of the listing of Tanzim Qa’idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (the al-Zarqawi network) as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995; Tabled 25 May 2005
  • Review of the listing of seven terrorist organisations; Tabled 9 August 2005. This review included consideration of the following organisations:

    Review of the listing of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

    Review of the listing of the Lashkar-e Jhangvi (LeJ) as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

    Review of the listing of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

    Review of the listing of the Jaish-e-Mohammad as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

    Review of the listing of Asbat al-Ansar as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

    Review of the listing of Ansar al-Islam as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

    Review of the listing of Islamic Army of Aden as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

  • Review of the listing of four terrorist organisations, tabled 5 September 2005. The listings are as follows:

    Review of the listing of the Hizballah External Security Organisation as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

    Review of the listing of the Hamas Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

    Review of the listing of the Lashkar-e-Tayyiba as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

    Review of the listing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

  • Review of the Intelligence Service Legislation Amendment Bill 2005; Tabled: 12 September 2005 .
  • Review of Division 3 Part III of the ASIO Act 1979 – ASIO’s questioning and detention powers; Tabled: 30 November 2005
  • Review of the listing of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) as a Terrorist Organisation, presented to the Speaker/President, out of session: Wednesday 26 April 2006 .
  • Review of Administration and Expenditure No. 4 – Recruitment and Training
    Under Part 4 section 29 (1) of the Intelligence Services Act 2001.

Current inquiries:


Review of Security and Counter Terrorism Legislation
Under Part 4, section 29 (1)(ba) of the Intelligence Services Act 2001.

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