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Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Review of Security and Counter Terrorism Legislation

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The Committee encourages submissions to its inquiry from a wide range of individuals and organisations. While we prefer submissions lodged in an original, electronic format, we do not want to exclude contributors who do not have access to computing facilities. Therefore, we will accept submissions in a range of formats which may include typewritten and handwritten documents.

Submissions to this inquiry are listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat. More submissions will be added to the list when they are received and authorised for publication.

For more information on submissions, please refer to our brochure on preparing a submission.

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There is currently a total of 26 submissions in the following list.

  1. Australia Press Council (PDF 296KB)
  2. Law Institute of Victoria (PDF 102KB)
  3. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) (PDF 441KB)
  4. Gilbert+Tobin Centre of Public Law (PDF 69KB)
  5. Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network (AMCRAN) (PDF 508KB)
  6. Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PDF 303KB)
  7. Confidential
  8. National Legal Aid (PDF 39KB)
  9. Mr Patrick Emerton (PDF 674KB)
  10. Federation of Community Legal Centres (Vic) Inc (PDF 26KB)
  11. UnitingCare NSW.ACT (PDF 44KB)
  12. Mr Lex Lasry QC (PDF 66KB)
  13. Islamic Information and Support Centre of Australia (IISCA)
    In association with Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah Association (PDF 100KB)
  14. Australian Government (PDF 165KB)
  15. Department of Premier and Cabinet
    Government of Western Australia (PDF 146KB)
  16. The Hon. Simon Sheller AO QC (PDF 1,055KB)
  17. The National Children's and Youth Law Centre (PDF 100KB)
  18. Supplementary to submission 4:
    Answers to questions on notice received from
    Gilbert+Tobin Centre of Public Law (PDF 55KB)
  19. Answers to questions on notice received from
    Attorney-General's Department (PDF 110KB)
  20. Answers to questions on notice received from
    Australian Federal Police (PDF 58KB)
  21. Answers to questions on notice received from
    Australian Customs Service (PDF 595KB)
  22. Answers to questions on notice received from
    Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (PDF 100KB)
  23. Answers to questions on notice received from
    Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (PDF 2,193KB)
  24. Mr Jim Stewart (PDF 215KB)
  25. Supplementary to submission 13:
    Islamic Information and Support Centre of Australia (IISCA)
    In association with Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah Association(PDF 2,236KB)
  26. Supplementary to submission 13:
    Islamic Information and Support Centre of Australia (IISCA)
    In association with Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah Association(PDF 43KB)
  27. top