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Preliminary Pages

Membership of the Committee


The Hon Arch Bevis MP


Deputy Chair

The Philip Ruddock MP



Senator Gavin Marshall

Mr Mark Dreyfus QC MP


Senator Michael Forshaw

Mr Daryl Melham MP


Senator the Hon Helen Coonan

Senator Julian McGauran

Mrs Kay Hull MP


Committee Secretariat



Dr Margot Kerley

Inquiry Secretary

Mr Robert Little

Research Officer

Ms Philippa Davies

Office Manager

Mrs Donna Quintus-Bosz




Terms of reference

This inquiry and report is conducted under the following powers:

Criminal Code Act 1995

Section 102.1A  Reviews by Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

Review of listing regulation

(1)   If a regulation made after the commencement of this section specifies an organisation for the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition of terrorist organisation in section 102.1, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security may:

(a)   review the regulation as soon as possible after the making of the regulation; and

(b)   report the Committee’s comments and recommendations to each House of the Parliament before the end of the applicable disallowance period.


Ansar al-Islam
Criminal Code Amendment Regulations 2009 (No 1)
Registered: 13 March 2009 (FRLI: F2009L00835)

Asbat al-Ansar (AAA)

Criminal Code Amendment Regulations 2009 (No 2)

Registered: 13 March 2009 (FRLI: F2009L00834)

Islamic Army of Aden (IAA)
Criminal Code Amendment Regulations 2009 (No 4)
Registered: 13 March 2009 (FRLI: F2009L00837)

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)

Criminal Code Amendment Regulations 2009 (No 6)

Registered: 13 March 2009 (FRLI: F2009L00833)

Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM)
Criminal Code Amendment Regulations 2009 (No 3)
Registered: 13 March 2009 (FRLI: F2009L00838)

Lashkar-e Jhangvi (LeJ)
Criminal Code Amendment Regulations 2009 (No 5)
Registered: 13 March 2009 (FRLI: F2009L00836)


List of recommendations

3     The Organisations

Recommendation 1

The Committee does not recommend the disallowance of the regulation, made under the Criminal Code section 102.1, to list Ansar al-Islam as a terrorist organisation.

Recommendation 2

The Committee does not recommend the disallowance of the regulation, made under the Criminal Code section 102.1, to list Asbat al-Ansar (AAA) as a terrorist organisation.

Recommendation 3

The Committee does not recommend the disallowance of the regulation, made under the Criminal Code section 102.1, to list Islamic Army of Aden (IAA) as a terrorist organisation.

Recommendation 4

The Committee does not recommend the disallowance of the regulation, made under the Criminal Code section 102.1, to list Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) as a terrorist organisation.

Recommendation 5

The Committee does not recommend the disallowance of the regulation, made under the Criminal Code section 102.1, to list Lashkar-e Jhangvi (LeJ) as a terrorist organisation.

Recommendation 6

The Committee does not recommend the disallowance of the regulation, made under the Criminal Code section 102.1, to list Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) as a terrorist organisation.

4     Improving Procedures

Recommendation 7

The Committee recommends that where a decision to de-list an organisation is made, that the Attorney-General provide a statement of reasons to the Committee and a public statement of reasons.




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