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Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security
Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Review of the re-listing of Tanzim Qa'idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (TQJBR) as a terrorist organisation under the Criminal Code Act 1995

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Page 6, paragraph 1.17

On 19 April 2007, after this report went to print, the Committee received the following information from the Attorney-General, Hon Philip Ruddock, MP:

‘My letter of 5 March 2007 advised that no correspondence from the States and Territories had been received in relation to the re-listing of TQJBR. Since this date, I have received a letter dated 20 February 2007 from the Hon Bob Debus MP, Attorney-General of New South Wales , confirming that he has noted the information provided in the attached Statement of Reasons. I have received a letter dated 1 March 2007 from the Hon Peter Beattie, Premier of Queensland in which he advised that he has no objections to the re-listing of TQJBR.’


Page 6, paragraph 1.17

On 19 April 2007, after this report went to print, the Committee received the following information from the Attorney-General, Hon Philip Ruddock, MP:

‘My letter of 5 March 2007 advised that no correspondence from the States and Territories had been received in relation to the re-listing of TQJBR. Since this date, I have received a letter dated 20 February 2007 from the Hon Bob Debus MP, Attorney-General of New South Wales, confirming that he has noted the information provided in the attached Statement of Reasons. I have received a letter dated 1 March 2007 from the Hon Peter Beattie, Premier of Queensland in which he advised that he has no objections to the re-listing of TQJBR.’

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