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Chapter 1 Introduction

[1]       See House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedure. Nov 2005. A history of the Procedure Committee on its 20th anniversary. Canprint, Canberra, xxiv 164p.

[2]       House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedure. May 1998. Ten years on: A review of the House of Representatives committee system. Department of the House of Representatives, Canberra, xiii 61p.

[3]       House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedure.

April 1989. Committee procedures for dealing with witnesses. Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra, 11p.

Nov 1994. Application of modern technology to committee proceedings. AGPS, Canberra, vii 16p.

Oct 1999. It’s your House: Community involvement in the procedures and practices of the House of Representatives and its committees. Department of the House of Representatives, Canberra, xviii 98p.

Oct 2003. House estimates: Consideration of the annual estimates by the House of Representatives. Department of the House of Representatives, Canberra, xiv 55p.

Oct 2005. Media coverage of House proceedings: Including the Chamber, Main Committee and committees: [Final report]. Department of the House of Representatives, Canberra, xiv 95p.

Chapter 2 Time allocated to committee work in the House and Main Committee

[1]       See Appendix A - Clerk of the Department of the House of Representatives submission (hereafter referred to as Clerk’s submission), pp 9-11 (original submission pagination), for details of the Procedure Committee’s earlier reports and recommendations on time allocated for committee reports.

[2]       The Procedure Committee’s initial report was not successful in achieving the changes but its follow up report was successful.  Those reports were: House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedure. May 1986. Days and hours of sitting and the effective use of the time of the House. AGPS, Canberra, pp 26-28; House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedure. Nov 1987. Improved opportunities for private Members: Proposed Sessional Orders. AGPS, Canberra,  49p.

[3]       Clerk’s submission, p 1.

[4]       House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedure. Nov 2005. A history of the Procedure Committee on its 20th anniversary. Canprint, Canberra, Chapter 6.

[5]       A comprehensive committee system was established in the Senate in 1970 and in the House in 1987.

[6]       Clerk’s submission, pp 1-2.

[7]       Clerk’s submission, p 2.

[8]       Department of the House of Representatives 2004-05 annual report. Sept 2005. Canprint, Canberra, Appendix 3, pp 97-98; House of Representatives Notice paper, 3 August 2004 to 23 June 2005.

[9]       Clerk’s submission, p 3.

[10]     This estimate does not include reports of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works or the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit which are presented outside the current Monday timeframe.

[11]     Clerk’s submission, p 3.

[12]     Clerk’s submission, p 4.

[13]     Clerk’s submission, p 4.

[14]     House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedure. July 2000. The second chamber: Enhancing the Main Committee. Department of the House of Representatives, Canberra, pp 50-54.

[15]     Government response to the report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedure: The second chamber: Enhancing the work of the Main Committee. June 2002, p 4. cited 18/10/05,

[16]     Clerk’s supplementary submission, 2p (see end of Appendix A).

[17]     Clerk’s submission, pp 4-5.

[18]     Clerk’s submission, p 5.

[19]     Clerk’s submission, p 5.

[20]     Clerk’s submission, pp 6-8.

Attendance at committee meetings by visitors - The issue

[1]       Clerk’s submission, p 14.

[2]       Clerk’s submission, p 14.

[3]       Clerk’s submission, p 14.

[4]       Clerk’s submission, p 14.
