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Encouraging an interactive Chamber

[1]       Arrangement for second reading speeches, Standing Committee on Procedure, December 2003.

[2]       Learning from other parliaments, Standing Committee on Procedure, August 2006.

[3]       Submission from Mr I C Harris, Clerk of the House, p. 5.

The interventions proposal

[1]       Arrangements for second reading speeches, Standing Committee on Procedure, December 2003.

[2]       Referred to as the 15:5 option.

[3]     No maximum time is specified for the mover and lead opposition speaker on the second reading of the Main Appropriation Bill for the year. In relation to Private Members’ bills standing order 1 provides for a maximum of 30 minutes for the mover and either one or two others depending on whether the mover is a Government or non-government member.

[4]     The maximum time allowable for a second reading speech is shown on the Chamber clocks even though Members may have been asked by the Whips to speak for a shorter time.

[5]       House of Representatives Hansard, 17 September 2002, p. 6471.

[6]    Submission from Mr I C Harris, Clerk of the House, p. 5.

[7]       The Second Chamber; Enhancing the Main Committee, Standing Committee on Procedure, July 2000, p. 37.

[8]     Quoted in House of Representatives Practice (5th edition), p. 479, relating to the 1964 Standing Orders Committee recommendation to omit the standing order preventing a Member from reading “his” speech. The other reason given for omitting the rule was difficulty in implementing it.

Appendix A

[1]   Eg H R Debates (1.12.03) 23283

[2] Procedure Committee, Learning from other parliaments, para 2.12

[3] Procedure Committee, Learning from other parliaments, para 2.12

[4] An analysis of 27 recent second reading debates shows an average length of speeches excluding Ministers/Parl Secs of 17 minutes

[5] May, 23 rd edn , p 432-3

[6]   Ibid

[7] Ibid, p7

[8]   Arrangements for second reading speeches Standing Committee on Procedure, Dec 2003, p4.

[9]   Ibid, p4

[10]   ibid, pp 4-5.

[11]   Ibid pp 9-10.

[12]  H R Debate (19.9.02),p 6471

[13]  Legislation Handbook, para 2.3, p 7
