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Standing Committee on Procedure


Promoting community involvement in the work of committees

Conference of committee chairs, deputy chairs and secretaries
6 March 2001

Publication details:

Commonwealth of Australia 2001

ISBN 0 642 36645 4


To view or print these pdf documents, you will require the Acrobat PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe.

A copy of the full report is available in PDF or from the Committee Secretariat.

Preliminary (PDF)

Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF)

    'It's your House' report
    The work of committees
    Strategies for promoting inquiries

Chapter 2 - Conference of committee chairs, deputy chairs and secretaries (PDF)

    Format of the conference
    Since It's your House

Chapter 3 - Ideas in action (PDF)

    Case study 1 - Economics Committee
    Case study 2 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Committee
    Case study 3 - Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
    Some other effective ways of improving input to inquiries

Chapter 4 - Conclusions and recommendations (PDF)

    Organisation of the conference
    Proposals emerging from the conference

