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Appendix C – List of Inspections, hearings and witnesses

HMAS Penguin and Pittwater Annexe Redevelopment, Mosman and Clareville, New South Wales

Monday 8 November 2010 – HMAS Penguin, Mosman

Site Inspection

HMAS Penguin, Middle Head Road, Mosman

Public Hearing

Department of Defence

Brigadier Darren Naumann, Director General, Infrastructure Asset Development

Commander Gavin Baker, Commanding Officer, HMAS Penguin

Commander Ashley Shanks, Officer in Command, Royal Australian Navy Dive School

Mr Patrick Gagel, Project Director

Mr Richard Zentelis, Director, Heritage and Biodiversity Conservation


Ms Sharon Cassidy, Project Manager and Contract Administrator

Hansen Yuncken

Mr Kevin Gomez, Senior Project Manager

In-camera Hearing

Seven witnesses

Development and construction of housing for Defence at Largs North (Bayriver), Port Adelaide, South Australia

Tuesday 9 November 2010 – Adelaide

Site Inspection

Bayriver site, Largs North, Adelaide

Public Hearing

Defence Housing Australia

Mr Peter Howman, Chief Operating Officer

Mr Jason Northwood, National New Business Manager

Mr Michael Kelly, Regional Manager, South Australia

Land Management Corporation (South Australia)

Mr Paul Bond, Director, Property Services

Jensen Planning and Design

Mr Peter Jensen, Director

SMEC Urban

Mr Steve Russell, Manager

In-camera Hearing

Three witnesses


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Last reviewed 23 May, 2011 by Committee Secretariat
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