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Lavarack Barracks redevelopment stage 4, Townsville, Queensland.

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Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Environmental and Heritage Considerations
Project Delivery



The department’s Statement of Evidence describes the purpose of the proposed redevelopment as entailing:

  • The upgrade of existing facilities to remedy deficiencies associated with occupational health and safety standards; and
  • The construction of a number of new buildings to replace temporary facilities.1

Priority elements for the proposed works are:

  • 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment
  • 4th Field Regiment
  • B Squadron 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment,2
  • Area gymnasium upgrades, and
  • the consolidation of area medical support facilities.3



In its Statement of Evidence, the department states that the facilities at Lavarack Barracks have been progressively updated over three redevelopment stages, but that there are still considerable works required to fully refurbish the facilities at the Barracks.4 Each of the sites that are the subject of the proposed works are characterised by the poor condition of buildings, layout inefficiencies, and occupational health and safety deficiencies arising from substandard, cramped and temporary working accommodation, that no longer provide the functionality required for a modern army.5



The scope of the proposed development will entail a combination of the construction of new buildings and the refurbishment of existing facilities.6


Works associated with the refurbishment of existing buildings will include repairs and maintenance, rectification of occupational health and safety deficiencies, and the general upgrading of finishes.7


The works will include:

  • 3 rd Combat Engineer Regiment: Office accommodation; a new Regimental Aid post; vehicle shelters and compounds; a plant compound, plant and vehicle workshops; squadron working and amenity areas; training facilities; logistic facilities; precinct infrastructure; landscaping; demolition works and increased security. The works to be undertaken will be a mix of new buildings and reuse of existing buildings.
  • 4 th Field Regiment: Office accommodation; vehicle shelters and compounds; a gun compound; artillery and vehicle workshops; amenity areas; training facilities; logistic facilities; precinct infrastructure; landscaping and demolition works, and will include a mix of new buildings and the refurbishment of some existing buildings.
  • B Squadron 3 rd/4 th Cavalry Regiment: Office accommodation; vehicle shelters and compounds; vehicle workshops; troop working and amenity areas, training facilities; logistic facilities; precinct infrastructure; connecting road works and landscaping. As with the other works mentioned above, there will be a mix of new buildings and the refurbishment of exiting buildings.
  • Area Gymnasium: The gymnasium is to be upgraded to provide adequately sized and functional facilities in support of physical fitness training and support rehabilitation and physiotherapy activities. It is proposed to provide a cardiovascular and weights training room, as well as providing shelters and irrigated ovals.
  • Area Medical Support facilities: A new Regimental Aid Post will be providedto improve the delivery of effective and efficient medical services to the Logistic Command and Training command Units.8



The design of the proposed facilities will embrace the following design features:

  • The provision of cost effective and utilitarian facilities of energy efficient design suitable for the climate (including cyclonic) conditions, and of a style compatible with previous redevelopment stages;
  • Adoption where possible of conventional construction techniques and materials, in particular those used in the Townsville area;
  • The maximum use of existing infrastructure and facilities to minimise capital facilities costs;
  • Utilisation of readily available and durable materials that combine long life while minimising maintenance;
  • Recognition of site constraints, security requirements, functional relationships to existing facilities and operational determinants; and
  • Planning services and structure designed to accommodate flexibility.9



Consultation has occurred or will occur with the following stakeholders during the development of the proposal:

  • The Federal Member for Herbert;
  • The State Government Member for Burdekin;
  • Department of Environment and Heritage;
  • Townsville City and Thuringowa Councils;
  • Queensland Fire Brigade; and
  • Townsville and Thuringowa Chambers of Commerce.10

Environmental and Heritage Considerations


The initial environmental review for Lavarack Barracks Redevelopment Stage 4 has indicated that the siting of the works will overlay existing developed areas, and that there are no floras or fauna impacts. Accordingly it is not anticipated that an environmental referral under the Environment Protection and Diversity Act (1999) will be required. The proposed works will, however address organochloride and hydrocarbons contamination.11


The project has been considered by the department’s Environment, Heritage and Risk Branch against the background of the requirements of the Environment Protection and Diversity Act (1999) with reference to the impact of National Environmental Significance in the context of the preservation of buildings used during the 1960s by Australian forces deploying to Vietnam.12

Project Delivery


Defence is proposing to deliver this project by way of a managing contract. Under this arrangement, the managing contractor is in effect a project manager, responsible for project tendering for sub contractors on behalf of the department.


In the context of scheduling, the project works has been broken down to the level of precincts with work being staged at each site. Construction of facilities for 11th Combat Services Support Battalion and B Squadron 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment are expected to begin in August 2007 and be complete during the latter part of 2008. The works for the 3rd Combat Field Regiment precinct will be begin mid-2008 with completion scheduled for 2010. The works for 4th Field Regiment will begin in 2009 with a scheduled completion of mid-2011.13


Works associated with the gymnasium and the Regimental Aid Post will be scheduled over the entire duration of the project timetable taking into account the best distribution of resources engaged on the project.14



The estimated out-turn cost of this project is $207.2 million which includes all planning and approval costs, management and design fees, construction costs, furniture and fittings, equipment, escalation and contingencies.15




Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 2 Back

2 Some works associated with B Squadron 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment were undertaken as part of the Lavarack Barracks Redevelopment Stage 3. See Lavarack Barracks Redevelopment Stage 3, Report of the Parliamentary Committee on Public Works, Eighth Report 2001, paragraphs 2.39 – 2.42. Back

Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 11 Back


ibid., paragraph 11 Back


ibid., paragraphs 3 and 13 - 23 Back


ibid., paragraph 25 Back


ibid., paragraph 27 Back


ibid., paragraphs 28 - 33 Back


ibid., paragraph 42 Back


ibid., paragraph 56 Back


ibid., paragraph 57 Back


ibid., paragraph 58-59 Back


ibid., paragraph 64 Back


op.cit. Back


ibid., paragraph 49 Back

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