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Joint Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Australian Institute of Police Management Redevelopment, North Head, Manly, NSW

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Referral of Work
Australian Institute of Police Management
Location. 2
Inquiry Process
Inspection and Public Hearing


Referral of Work


On 29 March 2006 the proposal for the redevelopment of the Australian Institute of Police Management (AIPM), North Head, Manly, was referred to the Public Works Committee for consideration and report in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969 (the Act).1 The proponent agency for this work was the Australian Federal Police (AFP), and the estimated cost of the work is $16.224 million.



Australian Institute of Police Management


The AFP submitted that

The Australian Institute of Police Management develops police managers and executives through management and leadership programs.2


The AIPM provides the following for Australasian and International law enforcement agencies and public safety agencies:

  • senior management and executive development;
  • education; and
  • consultancy services.3



The AIPM is located on approximately 1.7 hectares of harbour front land at the end of Collins Beach Road, Manly, NSW.4


Inquiry Process


The Committee is required by the Act to consider public works over $6 million5 and report to Parliament on:

  • the purpose of the work and its suitability for that purpose;
  • the need for, or the advisability of, carrying out the work;
  • whether the money to be expended on the work is being spent in the most cost effective manner;
  • the amount of revenue the work will generate for the Commonwealth, if that is its purpose; and
  • the present and prospective public value of the work.6

The Committee called for submissions by advertising the inquiry in the Sydney Morning Herald on Saturday, 22 April 2006. The Committee also sought submissions from relevant government agencies, private organisations and individuals, who may be materially affected by, or have an interest in, the proposed work. The Committee subsequently placed submissions and other information relating to the inquiry on its web site in order to encourage further public participation.


Inspection and Public Hearing


On 2 June 2006 the Committee visited the AIPM and inspected the site and environs of the proposed works. A confidential briefing from the AFP and a public hearing were held in Manly, later that day.7


1 Extract from the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, No. 92, Wednesday 29 March 2006 Back

Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 6 Back

3 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 1 Back
4 ibid Back
5 Public Works Committee Act 1969 , Part III, Section 18 (8) Back
6 Public Works Committee Act 1969, Part III, Section 17 Back
7 See Appendix D for the official Hansard transcript of the evidence taken by the Committee at the public hearing on Friday, 2 June 2006 in Manly Back
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