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Chapter 8 Enoggera Redevelopment Stage 1 Project, Queensland

8.1                   The Enoggera Redevelopment Stage 1 Project, Gallipoli Barracks, Brisbane, Queensland (Enoggera redevelopment) aims to rationalise the messing arrangements in line with moves to increase overall Defence efficiencies and reduce resources allocated to support functions. Other associated projects are included in these works. The estimated cost of the project is $80.2 million (excluding GST.)

8.2                   The Enoggera redevelopment was referred to the Committee on 19 March 2008.

Conduct of the inquiry

8.3                   The inquiry was advertised in the Brisbane Courier Mail on 12 April 2008. The Committee received four submissions to the inquiry and one confidential supplementary submission detailing the project cost estimates. A list of submissions can be found at Appendix A.

8.4                   The Committee undertook an inspection of the proposed site, in-camera hearing and public hearing on 6 May 2008 in Brisbane. A list of witnesses can be found at Appendix B.

8.5                   The transcript of the public hearing as well as the submission to the inquiry are on the Committee’s website.[1] Plans for the proposed works are detailed in Submission 1, Department of Defence (Defence). 

Need for works

8.6                   The aim of these works is to rationalise the messing arrangements in line with moves to increase overall Defence efficiencies and reduce resources allocated to support functions. Other associated works include constructing office accommodation for the Headquarters of the 7th Brigade, upgrading existing electrical and waste systems, demolishing redundant buildings and constructing temporary facilities.[2]

8.7                   The submission from Defence outlined the following need for each component of the proposed works:

n  reduction of costs through economies of scale by combining the existing ten messes into a total of three;

n  existing Headquarters 7th Brigade facilities are in a poor state, contain asbestos and are located on the proposed site of the new Combined Mess;

n  upgrade to the electricity and waste water services; and

n  decanting of units affected by the project into refurbished and demountable facilities until their permanent buildings are completed. The units affected by the works are Headquarters 7th Brigade, Australian Defence Force Investigative Services, 8th Personnel Support Company, Deployable Force Cash Office and 139th Signals Squadron.[3]

8.8                   The works are scheduled to commence in mid to late 2008 and be completed by 2011.[4]

8.9                   The Committee believes that Defence personnel should have access to appropriate and functional facilities that comply with applicable building, safety and service regulations and recognises the need for these works to be undertaken.

Scope of works

8.10               The proposed scope of works are detailed in Submission 1, Department of Defence. In short, four main projects are proposed as part of these works:

n  combined messing facility: construct a facility consisting of a central kitchen and separate wings for the Officers, Senior Non Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks with recreation, lounge and bar facilities;

n  Headquarters 7th Brigade: construct a new headquarters building including office and support spaces, car parking for visitors and staff, allowing for future expansion;

n  engineering services and demolition: upgrade existing infrastructure and demolish existing mess and office accommodation. Improve the condition of existing engineering services, including high voltage power, sewer, storm water and communications, to meet current demands and the requirements of this project; and

n  temporary facilities and minor units: provision of temporary refurbished and demountable facilities.[5]

8.11               The Committee has assessed the scope of the proposal and considers them appropriate to rationalise the current messing arrangements, modernise accommodation and upgrade services at the Barracks.

Cost of works

8.12               The total out-turn cost of this work is estimated to be $80.2 million (excluding GST) which includes construction, furniture, fittings and equipment, management and design fees, and contingency and escalation allowances.[6]

8.13               The Committee heard that the proposed rationalisation of messing arrangements would lead to an operating cost reduction of nearly $300,000 per year. Furthermore, expected savings from a reduction in catering staff could be up to $1.25 million per year.[7]

8.14               The Committee received detailed cost plans for the project and held an in-camera hearing with Defence on the full project costs.

8.15               The Committee is satisfied that the costings for the project are adequate and that suitable contingency planning is in place to ensure the overall budget is not compromised.

Project issues

Impact on local traffic

8.16               In earlier chapters of this report the Committee expressed the view that Defence should be mindful of its role as a tenant of the local community. The Lord Mayor of Brisbane City Council observed that this inquiry appeared to be ‘inward-focused’ and that further research was needed to assess the impact of the proposal on external infrastructure including traffic networks.[8] The Committee does not accept the assertion that its inquiries are inwards focussed and is always conscious of its responsibility to consider the concerns of the local community.

8.17               The Committee heard that Defence had indeed conducted an analysis of traffic flows in relation to this proposal. However, apart from the construction phase, there would be no net increase in traffic in and out of the Barracks as a result of this proposal.[9]

8.18               Defence assured the Committee that it consults with local councils as a matter of course and where projects propose to substantially increase base personnel, an assessment of the impact of traffic infrastructure would be undertaken.[10]

Other issues

8.19               The Committee was also interested in exploring the proposal in terms of the habitat for the local population of tusk frogs, the asbestos remediation and removal plan, and the use of solar hot water and water harvesting facilities.[11] The Committee commends Defence for its initiatives in these areas.[12]

Committee comment

8.20               Overall, the Committee is satisfied that this project has merit in terms of need, scope and cost. No submissions were received raising significant issues with the proposed works. The Committee is satisfied that there are no reasons to object to the work proceeding.

8.21               Having examined the purpose, need, use, revenue and public value of the work, the Committee considers that it is expedient that the proposed Enoggera redevelopment proceed.


Recommendation 11


The Committee recommends that the House of Representatives, pursuant to Section 18 (7) of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, resolve that it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work: Enoggera Redevelopment Stage 1 Project, Gallipoli Barracks, Brisbane, Queensland.


Mark Butler MP


19 June 2008


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