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Referrals tabled March-June 2008

Construction of the Australian Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010, China

2 September 2008

© Commonwealth of Australia 2008
ISBN 978-0-642-79082-8 Printed Version
ISBN 978-0-642-79083-5 HTML Version

View the report as a single document - (PDF 636KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary Pages (PDF 90KB)

Membership of the Committee
Committee Secretariat
List of abbreviations
List of recommendations

Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 76KB)

Concurrent documentation
Timing of referrals
Matters addressed in this report
Structure of the report

Chapter 2 Proposed Fit-Out of New Leased Premises for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations at Block 9, Section 31, Canberra, ACT (PDF 106KB)

Conduct of the inquiry
Need for works
Scope of works
Cost of works
Committee comment

Chapter 3 Australian Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 (PDF 109KB)

Conduct of the inquiry
Need for works
Scope of works
Cost of works
Committee comment

Chapter 4 Bridging of Kings Avenue over Parkes Way at the Russell Roundabout (PDF 201KB)

Conduct of the inquiry
Need for works
Scope of works
Cost of works
Options considered
Issues and concerns raised
Committee comment

Chapter 5 Construction of New Warehousing Facilities at Wadsworth Barracks, East Bandiana, Victoria (PDF 121KB)

Conduct of the inquiry
Need for works
Scope of works
Cost of works
Project issues
Committee comment

Appendix A – List of submissions (PDF 43KB)
Appendix B – List of hearings, witnesses and inspections (PDF 47KB)
