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Standing Committee on Science and Innovation

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Review of the Department of Education, Science and Training Annual Report 2002-03

Background Information

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Science and Innovation is empowered to enquire into and report on any matter referred to it by either the House or a Minister including pre-legislation proposal, bill, motion, petition, vote or expenditure, report or paper.

Annual reports of government departments and authorities tabled in the House stand referred to the relevant committee for any inquiry the committee may wish to make. The Department of Education, Science and Trainings Annual Report stands referred to the Science and Innovation Committee in accordance with a schedule tabled by the Speaker, which records the areas of responsibility of each committee.

On 31 May 2004 the Science and Innovation Committee resolved to review the Annual Report 2002-2003 of the Department of Education, Science and Training. In conducting the review, the Committee will give particular consideration to:

  • the factors inhibiting student participation in the enabling sciences, including physics, mathematics and chemistry, at the secondary and tertiary levels; and
  • how greater participation in these disciplines might be encouraged.

In this regard the Committee notes the following sections of the annual report:

  • Chapter 4, Outcome 2: Post-School Education and Training
    Strategic Priority 3: Assist all people to make effective transitions and well-informed choices about their careers (from page 66 of the annual report); and
  • Chapter 5, Outcome 3: Research, Science and International Education
    Strategic Priority 1: Strengthen the ability of universities to generate and transfer new knowledge (from page 77 of the annual report).

The Committee does not wish to preclude other sections of the annual report, relevant to the status of enabling sciences, from review.

The departments annual report may be viewed online at:

Further information on the inquiry and advice on preparing a submission to a Parliamentary committee inquiry is available on the Committees web site at:


Last reviewed 21 February, 2011 by Committee Secretariat
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