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House Standing Committee on Science and Innovation

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Inquiry into geosequestration technology

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Submissions will be made available here when they are received and authorised for publication.

The Committee encourages submissions to its inquiry from a wide range of individuals and organisations. While we prefer submissions lodged in an original, electronic format, we do not want to exclude contributors who do not have access to computing facilities. Therefore, we will accept submissions in a range of formats which may include typewritten and handwritten documents.

Submissions to this inquiry are listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat. More submissions will be added to the list when they are received and authorised for publication.

For more information on submissions, please refer to our brochure on preparing a submission.

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There is currently a total of 46 submissions and 3 supplementary submissions in the following list.

  1. Grant Lockie (PDF 54KB)
  2. Eriks Velins (PDF 25KB)
  3. Department of Environment – WA (PDF 532KB)
  4. Dr David Proctor (PDF 460KB)
  5. South Australian Government (PDF 396KB)
  6. Country Women's Association of NSW (PDF 41KB)
  7. Centre for Low Emission Technology (PDF 916KB)

  8. Attachment A (PDF 624KB)

  9. International Association of Hydrogeologists (PDF 45KB)
  10. CANSYD Australia Pty Ltd & Auspace Ltd (PDF 548KB)
  11. CSIRO (PDF 280KB)
  12. 10.1 Supplementary to submission 10:

  13. Dr David Maddison (PDF 9KB)
  14. Chevron Australia Pty Ltd (PDF 153KB)
  15. Friends Of the Earth Australia (PDF 317KB)
  16. CRC for Greenhouse Accounting (PDF 50KB)
  17. Greenpeace Australia Pacific (PDF 224KB)
  18. Energy Supply Association of Australia (PDF 51KB)
  19. TRUenergy Australia Pty Ltd (PDF 28KB)
  20. Docklands Science Park Pty Ltd (PDF 137KB)
  21. Exxon Mobil (PDF 150KB)
  22. Queensland Resources Council (PDF 242KB)
  23. Engineers Australia (PDF 47KB)
  24. Origin Energy (PDF 44KB)
  25. Renewable Energy Generators of Australia (PDF 131KB)
  26. Anglo Coal (PDF 509KB)
  27. Santos Ltd (PDF 416KB)
  28. Department of Industry and Resources – WA (PDF 655KB)
  29. Climate Action Network Australia (PDF 581KB)
  30. Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics (PDF 182KB)
  31. Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Limited (PDF 191KB)
  32. Hydro Tasmania (PDF 45KB)
  33. Rio Tinto Australia (PDF 90KB)
  34. Stanwell Corporation (PDF 116KB)
  35. Centre for Energy and Enviromental Markets, University of NSW (PDF 235KB)
  36. Luke Gale (PDF 144KB)
  37. National Generators Forum (PDF 65KB)
  38. Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (PDF 1,169KB)
  39. 36.1 Supplementary to submission 36:
    Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (PDF 137KB)

  40. Environment Business Australia (PDF 69KB)
  41. TecEco Pty Ltd & Greensols (PDF 1,078KB)
  42. AGL (PDF 33KB)
  43. Australian Coal Association & Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 868KB)
  44. Australian Government (DITR, DEH, DEST, DFAT + Geoscience Australia) (PDF 438KB)

  45. Attachment A (PDF 1169KB)
    Attachment B (PDF 367KB)
    Attachment C (PDF 17KB)
    Attachment D (PDF 464KB)
    Attachment E (PDF 777KB)

    41.1 Supplementary to submission 41:
    Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (PDF 57KB)

  46. Minister for Energy Industries and Resources, Victorian Government (PDF 546KB)
  47. BP Australia (PDF 413KB)
  48. Ms Ilona Renwick (PDF 23KB)
  49. Mr Colin Dunstan (PDF 284KB)
  50. Queensland Government (PDF 554KB)
  51. top

    Last reviewed 17 February, 2011 by Committee Secretariat
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