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House Standing Committee on Science and Innovation

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into pathways to technological innovation

Inquiry home | Submissions | Public hearings | Media releases | Report

Terms of Reference

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Science and Innovation is to inquire into Australian technological innovation and pathways to commercialisation, with particular reference to examples of successful Australian technological innovations that demonstrate strategies to overcome potential impediments and factors determining success.

To assist in its inquiry, the Committee seeks to compile a series of case studies of successful technological innovations, and the pathways to commercialisation. Submissions are sought detailing successful examples of Australian technological innovations.

Submissions are also sought with particular reference to successful innovations, on issues such as:

  • pathways to commercialisation;
  • intellectual property and patents;
  • skills and business knowledge;
  • capital and risk investment;
  • business and scientific regulatory issues;
  • research and market linkages;
  • factors determining success; and
  • strategies in other countries that may be of instruction to Australia.


Last reviewed 21 February, 2011 by Committee Secretariat
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