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Standing Committee on Science and Innovation

Inquiry into Business Commitment to Research and Development in Australia

Media releases

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Date Title
Monday 23 June 2003 (PDF 158KB) Business Research & Development Report- Riding the Innovation Wave: The Case for Increasing Business Investment in R&D
Monday 9 December 2002 (PDF 11KB) Cooperative Research Centres Committee to appear at inquiry into business commitment to R&D
Monday 2 December 2002 (PDF 7KB) Productivity Commission Chairman and Chief Scientist to appear at inquiry into business commitment to R&D
28 and 29 October 2002 (PDF 7KB) Public Hearings, Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 October 2002, Sydney
21 October 2002 (PDF 6KB) Universities and CSIRO to appear at inquiry into business commitment to R&D
14 October 2002 (PDF 5KB) Inquiry into business commitment to R&D spending
1 & 2 October 2002 (PDF 6KB) Inquiry into business commitment to R&D spending


Last reviewed 21 February, 2011 by the Committee Secretariat
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