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Standing Committee on Science and Innovation

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into the coordination of the science to combat the nation's salinity problem

Terms of Reference

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Science and Innovation shall inquire into and report on the Commonwealth's role in managing and coordinating the application of the best science in relation to Australia's salinity programs.

In conducting its inquiry, the Committee will give particular consideration to the:

a) use of salinity science base and research data (including the development of new scientific, technical and engineering knowledge) in the management, coordination and implementation of salinity programs;

b)linkages between those conducting research and those implementing salinity solutions, including the coordination and dissemination of research and data across jurisdictions and agencies, and to all relevant decision makers (including catchment management bodies and land holders); and

c) adequacy of technical and scientific support in applying salinity management options.


Last reviewed 21 February, 2011 by Committee Secretariat
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