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Troubled Waters

24 June 2013

© Commonwealth of Australia 2013
ISBN 978-1-74366-048-5 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-1-74366-048-5 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 17MB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary Pages (PDF 116KB)

Membership of the Committee
Committee Secretariat
Terms of reference
List of recommendations

Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 80KB)

Referral of the inquiry
Scope of inquiry
Conduct of the inquiry
Purpose of inquiry
Structure of the report

Chapter 2 Cruise tourism (PDF 156KB)

Cruising industry – an overview
The Australian cruising market
Cruising demographics
Foreign involvement in the Australian market
Crimes on cruises
Australian crime statistics
US crime statistics
Committee Comment

Chapter 3 Jurisdiction at sea: international law and domestic law (PDF 502KB)

Understanding Jurisdiction
Enforcement jurisdiction under international law
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS)
Territorial jurisdiction
Extra-territorial jurisdiction
Flag state jurisdiction
Legal Advice
Jurisdiction under domestic Australian maritime law
Crimes at Sea Act
Criminal Code Act
Improvements through international bodies
Committee Comment

Chapter 4 Promoting safety and crime prevention (PDF 210KB)

On-board crime prevention and safety measures
Alcohol service
On-board security
Video monitoring
Operators’ liability for negligence
Pre-departure preparation and awareness of passengers
Committee Comment

Chapter 5 Responding to crimes at sea (PDF 211KB)

Protecting victims’ welfare
IMO Guidelines
Crime scene preservation
IMO Guidelines
Reporting crimes
Existing Australian reporting requirements
Current reporting
Making improvements to reporting requirements
Committee Comment

Chapter 6 Investigating crimes at sea (PDF 129KB)

Establishing domestic jurisdiction
Investigating and prosecuting crimes committed at sea
Police investigations
Prosecuting crimes
Coronial jurisdictions and investigations
Committee Comment
Concluding Comments

Appendix A – List of Submissions (PDF 35KB)
Appendix B – List of Exhibits (PDF 45KB)
Appendix C – List of Public Hearings (PDF 55KB)
Appendix D – Legal Advice (PDF 7816KB)
Appendix E – Milledge Recommendations (PDF 53KB)
Appendix F – Government Response (PDF 1835KB)
Appendix G – National Protocols for Reporting Crimes At Sea (PDF 1945KB)
Appendix H – Intergovernmental Agreement – Crimes at Sea (PDF 1026KB)
Appendix I – Vessel Flag States (PDF 2395KB)
