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House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into the Arrangements Surrounding Crimes Committed at Sea

Inquiry home | Submissions | Public hearings | Media releases | Report

Terms of Reference

The Committee will inquire into the arrangements surrounding crimes committed at sea, with a focus on crimes against the person.

The Committee will, having regard to the principles of international law:

  • Examine the effectiveness of current arrangements for the investigation and prosecution of alleged offences under the Crimes at Sea Act 2000 and the Intergovernmental Agreement – Crimes at Sea 16 November 2000

  • Examine the cross jurisdictional issues that face the States, Territories and the Commonwealth, including the overlap of various coronial jurisdictions

  • Consider whether improvements could be made in relation to the reporting, investigation and prosecution of alleged crimes committed at sea, and

  • Examine support available to victims of crime committed at sea.

Further, to inform its inquiry, the Committee seeks experiences of victims of crimes at sea and those impacted by crimes committed at sea. If your contribution contains personal experiences, please remove any identifying information from the body of your submission. Please note that the Committee cannot investigate particular cases.

For background information on the referral of the inquiry, please refer to the Government Response for the recommendations of the NSW coroner’s report.

