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Appendix C – List of exhibits


1            Townsville Hospital Foundation (provided by Wee Care Shared Family Care)

              Foetal Alcohol Syndrome - DVD


2            NOFASARD

              Alcohol and pregnancy – pamphlet (copy)


3            NOFASARD

              Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: The preventable disability – Pamphlet (copy)


4            University of Sydney

              Marulu - The Lililwan Project
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevalence Study in the Fitzroy Valley: A Community Consultation - Booklet


5            University of Sydney

              Marulu Trailer - The Lililwan Project - DVD


6            Apunipima Cape York Health Council

              It's in your hands - give your baby the best start in life - DVD


7            Apunipima Cape York Health Council

              Baby Basket Initiative - Brochure


8            Australian Human Rights Commission

              From community crisis to community control in the Fitzroy Valley – Report extract


9            Royal Flying Doctor Service

Report papers


10          National Drug Research Institute, Drug and Alcohol Office, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre and Public Health Advocacy Institute (provided by Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education)

              Report 2: Alcohol warning labels: Evidence of impact on alcohol consumption amongst women of childbearing age - Report


11          Food Standards Australia New Zealand (provided by Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education)

              Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Exploratory economic analysis of different prevention strategies in Australia and New Zealand


12          Institute of Health Economics, Canada

              Consensus Statement on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Across the Lifespan - Booklet


13          Institute of Health Economics, Canada

              Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Across the Lifespan – Book


14          Institute of Health Economics, Canada

              Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Management and Policy Perspectives of FASD - Book


15          Institute of Health Economics, Canada

              Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder FASD - Who is responsible? - Book


16          Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia

              Alcohol Advertisements


17          Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia

               Effect of Exposure to Alcohol during Specific Periods of Pregnancy - Diagram


18          Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia

              Facial characteristics of FAS - Diagram


19          Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education

              Booze before Babies: Analysis of alcohol industry submissions to the FASD inquiry May 2012 - Report

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