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Inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

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Submissions are being progressively added to the website. The list below includes only those submissions published to date. Please check these pages again for further updates.

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There is currently a total of 92 submissions in the following list.


  1. Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association (PDF 600KB)

  2. Dr Mike McDonough  (PDF 966KB)

  3. Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 146KB)

  4. Ms Barbara Smith (PDF 70KB)

  5. Catholic Education Office of Western Australia (PDF 38KB) 

  6. Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania (PDF 524KB) 

  7. Mr Robert Chataway and Mrs Lynette Chataway (PDF 516KB) 
    Attachment A (PDF 511KB)

  8. Name Withheld (PDF 468KB) 

  9. National Council on Intellectual Disability (PDF 253KB) 

  10. Mr Michael Stevens (PDF 27KB) 


  12. The Australian Wine Research Institute (PDF 3551KB) 

  13. Health Network Branch, Child and Youth Health Network, Department of Health Western Australia (PDF 83KB) 

  14. Mr Paul Harper (PDF 224KB) 

  15. Dr Rosalie Schultz (PDF 19KB) 

  16. Victorian Drug and Alcohol Association (PDF 240KB) 

  17. Women's Christian Temperance Union (PDF 15KB) 

  18. Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand (PDF 157KB) 
    Attachment A (PDF 1659KB)

  19. Australian FASD Collaboration (PDF 48KB) 

  20. National Drug Research Institute (PDF 53KB) 

  21. Uniting Church in Australia (PDF 99KB) 

    Supplementary Submission
    21a Uniting Church in Australia (PDF 305KB) 

  22. The Lililwan Project Collaboration (PDF 4690KB)

  23. Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, University of Western Australia (PDF 235KB) 

  24. Ms Anne Foale (PDF 21KB) 

  25. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Working Party, Department of Health Western Australia (PDF 40KB) 

  26. National Alliance for Action on Alcohol (PDF 117KB) 
    Attachment A (PDF 3279KB)
    Attachment B (PDF 84KB)
    Attachment C (PDF 4515KB)

  27. The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (PDF 160KB) 

  28. Drug and Alcohol Office, Department of Health Western Australia (PDF 823KB) 

  29. Ms Prue Walker (PDF 126KB) 

  30. McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth, Curtin University (PDF 193KB) 

  31. Kimberley Population Health Unit, Department of Health Western Australia (PDF 618KB) 

  32. Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia (PDF 115KB) 

  33. Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia (PDF 725KB) 

  34. Barnardos (PDF 695KB) 

  35. The Country Women's Association of Victoria (PDF 484KB) 

  36. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education and Public Health Association of Australia (PDF 702KB) 

    Supplementary Submission
    36a Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education and Public Health Association of Australia (PDF 412KB) 

  37. VicHealth (PDF 124KB) 
    Attachment A (PDF 124KB)
    Attachment B (PDF 169KB)

  38. Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory (PDF 542KB) 

  39. Winemakers Federation of Australia (PDF 808KB) 

  40. National Rural Health Alliance (PDF 427KB) 

  41. Mr Warren Harvey (PDF 2532KB) 
    Attachment A (PDF 2308KB)
    Attachment B (PDF 3045KB)


  43. Aboriginal Disability Justice Campaign (PDF 580KB) 
    Attachment A (PDF 27KB)
    Attachment B (PDF 1367KB)

  44. Legal Aid New South Wales and Aboriginal Legal Service (New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory) (PDF 155KB)

  45. Australian National Preventive Health Agency (PDF 120KB)

  46. NOFASARD (PDF 170KB)
    Attachment A (PDF 573KB)
    Attachment B (PDF 537KB)

  47. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Research Network (PDF 344KB)
  48. Attachment A (PDF 573KB)

  49. Ms Elizabeth Pearson (PDF 476KB)

  50. Blake Dawson (PDF 5.2MB)

  51. Name Withheld (PDF 13KB)

  52. New South Wales Ministry of Health (PDF 24.3KB)
    Attachment A (PDF 563KB)

  53. South Australian Government (PDF 461KB)

  54. Wuchopperen Health Service (PDF 2,028KB)
    Attachment A (PDF 322KB)

  55. Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 475KB)

  56. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (PDF 136KB)
    Attachment A (PDF 322KB)

    Supplementary Submission
    Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (PDF 322 KB)

  57. National Council of the Women Coalition Tasmania Inc. (PDF 86KB)

  58. Dr Wendy Hoy (PDF 637KB)

  59. Australian Women's Health Network (PDF 624KB)

  60. Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia (PDF 484KB)

  61. Dr Toni Delany (PDF 624KB)

  62. Family Planning NSW (PDF 206KB)

  63. Australian Children's Commissioners and Guardians (PDF 2712KB)

  64. Australian College of Children and Young People's Nurses (PDF 1194KB)

  65. Gillian Turner (PDF 442KB)

  66. Country Women’s Association of the Northern Territory (PDF 705KB)

  67. The Benevolent Society (PDF 455KB)

  68. Australian Indigenous Doctors Association Ltd (PDF 980KB)

  69. Cape York Institute for Policy & Leadership (PDF 815KB)

  70. Di Harriss (PDF 541 KB)

  71. Steps Group Australia – Tennant Creek (PDF 648KB)

  72. Name Withheld (PDF 493KB)

  73. Ms Jane Montz (PDF 523KB)

  74. Public Health Association of Australia - NT Branch (PDF 467KB)

  75. NPY Women's Council - Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 633KB)

  76. First Peoples Disability Network Australia (PDF 3705KB)

  77. Australian Hotels Association Western Australia (PDF 573KB)

    Supplementary Submission
    Australian Hotels Association Western Australia (PDF 184KB)

  78. Dr Raewyn Mutch (PDF 112KB)

  79. Department of Health and Ageing and Department of Families, Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (PDF 141KB)
    Attachment A (PDF 90KB)

  80. Paediatricians at Royal Darwin Hospital (PDF 128KB)

  81. Ms Lorian Hayes (PDF 3265KB)

  82. Ms Suzi Lodder (PDF 517KB)
    Attachment A (PDF 518KB)

  83. Peoples Alcohol Action Coalition (PDF 779KB)
    Attachment A (PDF 1,248KB)              Attachment C (PDF 3,849KB)
    Attachment B (PDF 792KB)                 Attachment D (PDF 593KB)

  84. Top End Mental Health Services (PDF 1045KB)

  85. NT Families and Children Advisory Council (PDF 722KB)

  86. Name Withheld (PDF 442KB)

  87. Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency (PDF 614 KB)
    Attachment A (PDF 562 KB)

  88. National Congress of Australia's First People (PDF 822 KB)

  89. Allied Health Team - The Lililwan Project (PDF 1,284KB)

  90. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (PDF 1,239KB)

  91. Department of Health and Ageing (PDF 524KB)


  93. Dr Colleen O'Leary - Curtin University of Technology (PDF 492KB)
