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Inquiry into the operation of the insurance industry during disaster events

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Mr Brian Semmler OAM (PDF 120KB) 
2Mr Viswanath Vemulapad (PDF 588KB) 
4Mr Dave McLennan (PDF 142KB) 
5Mr R.G Marshall (PDF 660KB) 
6Ms Emma Anderson  (PDF 493KB) 
7Mr Keith Carnell (PDF 254KB) 
8Mr Graham Janz (PDF 88KB) 
10Mr Wayne Keller (PDF 124KB) 
11Mrs Tammy Tarrant (PDF 994KB) 
12Strata Community Australia Ltd (PDF 391KB) Attachment 1(PDF 80KB) 
13Queensland Government  (PDF 821KB) Attachment 1(PDF 66KB) 
13B Supplementary Submission(PDF 388KB) 
14Australian Securities and Investments Commission  (PDF 1741KB) 
15National Pro Bono Resource Centre  (PDF 381KB) Attachment 1(PDF 417KB) 
16Insurance Council of Australia  (PDF 6488KB) Attachment 1(PDF 784KB) Attachment 2(PDF 439KB) 
17Mr James Foldszin (PDF 494KB) 
18The Institute of Actuaries Australia (PDF 489KB) Attachment 1(PDF 688KB) 
19City of Armadale  (PDF 1581KB) 
20Mr Vince Stanton (PDF 393KB) 
21Mr Richard Walkey (PDF 798KB) 
22Mr Gary Lobley (PDF 16601KB) 
23Department of Premier and Cabinet, Western Australia (PDF 196KB) 
24Heritage Council of Western Australia (PDF 313KB) 
25Name Withheld (PDF 663KB) 
26Rathburnie Estate Nature Refuge  (PDF 1149KB) 
27Central Goldfields Shire Council  (PDF 696KB) 
28Central Goldfields Shire Council Flood Recovery Executive Committee (PDF 676KB) 
29Brisbane City Council (PDF 558KB) Attachment 1(PDF 3709KB) 
29A Supplementary Submission(PDF 377KB) 
30Mr Richard Talbot (PDF 177KB) 
31Ms Jane Reynolds (PDF 261KB) 
32Mr J.K Gledhill (PDF 583KB) 
33Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) (PDF 435KB) 
34Ipswich City Council  (PDF 682KB) 
35Choice, the Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Counselling Australia and the Footscray Community Legal Centre. (PDF 193KB) 
36A Supplementary Submission(PDF 73KB) 
37The Northern Grampians Shire Council  (PDF 3343KB) 
38Insurance Australia Group  (PDF 612KB) 
39Pyrenees Shire  (PDF 1349KB) 
40RACQ Insurance Limited (PDF 311KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1688KB) Attachment 2(PDF 525KB) Attachment 3(PDF 1276KB) Attachment 4(PDF 667KB) 
41Suncorp Group Limited (PDF 928KB) 
42Mr Wayne Wendt MP (PDF 179KB) 
43Loddon Shire Council  (PDF 730KB) 
44Legal Aid Queensland  (PDF 911KB) 
45Buloke Shire Council (PDF 254KB) 
46National Insurance Brokers Association (PDF 477KB) 
47Financial Ombudsman Service  (PDF 4015KB) 
48Mr Keith Mann (PDF 13KB) 
49Carisbrook Disaster Recovery Centre  (PDF 437KB) 
50Victorian Legal Assistance Forum  (PDF 181KB) 
51Mr Kevin F. Wood (PDF 270KB) 
52Mr Gary Sharp (PDF 61KB) 
53Caxton Legal Centre Inc.  (PDF 879KB) Attachment 1(PDF 855KB) Attachment 2(PDF 687KB) 
54Insurance Law Service  (PDF 127KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1587KB) Attachment 2(PDF 704KB) Attachment 3(PDF 1487KB) Attachment 4(PDF 818KB) 
55Mr David Stubbin (PDF 660KB) 
56Meg and Wilhem Lehmann (PDF 458KB) 
57Legal Aid NSW  (PDF 719KB) Attachment 1(PDF 561KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1583KB) Attachment 3(PDF 699KB) Attachment 4(PDF 155KB) Attachment 5(PDF 163KB) 
58Cr Nicole Johnston, Tennyson Ward, Brisbane City Council (PDF 152KB) 
59Ms Rosemary Menkens MP (PDF 40KB) Attachment 1(PDF 24KB) 
60Mr Andrew Cripps MP (PDF 1953KB) 
61Mr John Hughes (PDF 458KB) 
62Ace Computer World  (PDF 216KB) 
63Mr Bevan Bobbermein  (PDF 216KB) 
64Mr Bruce K. Gillan (PDF 318KB) 
65Mr Scott Buchholz MP (PDF 193KB) 
66South West Chamber of Commerce  (PDF 1087KB) 
67Name Withheld (PDF 579KB) 
68Mr Scott French (PDF 471KB) 
69Kurrimine Beach Holiday Park (PDF 84KB) 
70Mr David Woods (PDF 20KB) 
71Tent Hill/ Mt. Sylivia / Junction View Areas Flood Relief  (PDF 3189KB) 
72Mr Michael Dineen (PDF 602KB) 
73Ms Tanya Carroll (PDF 78KB) 
74Western Downs Regional Council  (PDF 690KB) 
75Darling Downs Cotton Growers Inc (PDF 79KB) 
76Ipswich Flood Survivors Support Group  (PDF 1409KB) 
77Cassowary Coast Banana Growers Association  (PDF 718KB) 
78Strathewen Community Renewal Association  (PDF 651KB) 
79Graham and Beth Curnow (PDF 233KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
House of Representatives Standing Committee on
Social Policy and Legal Affairs
PO Box 6021
Parliament House

Phone:(02) 6277 2358
Fax:(02) 6277 4427
