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House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into the regulation of billboard and outdoor advertising

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The Committee encourages submissions to its inquiry from a wide range of individuals and organisations. While we prefer submissions lodged in an original, electronic format, we do not want to exclude contributors who do not have access to computing facilities. Therefore, we will accept submissions in a range of formats which may include typewritten and handwritten documents.

Submissions to this inquiry are listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat. More submissions will be added to the list when they are received and authorised for publication.

For more information on submissions, please refer to our brochure on preparing a submission.

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There is currently a total of 51 submissions in the following list.

  1. FamilyVoice Australia (PDF 522KB)
  2. The Rev. Ivan Ransom (PDF 162KB)
  3. Australian Toy Association Ltd (PDF 67KB)
  4. Deborah Harris (PDF 12KB)
  5. Richard Andrew (PDF 155KB)
  6. Jenna Weston (PDF 28KB)
  7. Ian S. Moller (PDF 41KB)
  8. Rosaleen Noel Commins (PDF 107KB)
  9. Karen Elkington (PDF 94KB)
  10. Hugh Dakin (PDF 112KB)
  11. The Salvation Army - Southern Territory (PDF 343KB)
  12. Ms Gabrielle Sullivan (PDF 220KB)
  13. Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations (PDF 143KB)
  14. Mrs Marion Smith AM (PDF 127KB)
  15. Ms Heather Golding (PDF 235KB)
  16. 2020women Inc (PDF 1,677KB)
  17. Australian Association of National Advertisers (PDF 21,407KB)
  18. Supplementary to submission 17:
    Australian Association of National Advertisers (PDF 247KB)

    Supplementary to submission 17:
    Australian Association of National Advertisers (PDF 171KB)

  19. Ms Noelene Hunt (PDF 75KB)
  20. The Hon Nick Goiran MLC and
    Mr Michael Sutherland MLA (PDF 322KB)
  21. Dalgarno Institute (PDF 122KB)
  22. Mrs Kristen Butchatsky (PDF 73KB)
  23. Ms Maree Hawken (PDF 12KB)
  24. Ms Celeste Sell (PDF 250KB)
  25. Australian Christian Lobby (PDF 3,366KB)
  26. Ms Parnell McGuinness (PDF 94KB)
  27. Media Federation of Australia (PDF 95KB)
  28. Advertising Standards Bureau (PDF 2,105KB)
  29. Supplementary to submission 27:
    Advertising Standards Bureau - Answers to Questions on Notice (PDF 133KB)

    Supplementary to submission 27:
    Advertising Standards Bureau (PDF 73KB)

  30. Australian Council on Children and the Media (PDF 54KB)
  31. Ms Gretchen Gamble (PDF 266KB)
  32. Australian Food and Grocery Council (PDF 214KB)
  33. Supplementary to submission 30:
    Australian Food and Grocery Council (PDF 214KB)

  34. Coalition on Food Advertising to Children (PDF 146KB)
  35. Outdoor Media Association Inc (PDF 11,234KB)
  36. Supplementary to submission 32:
    Outdoor Media Association (PDF 99KB)

  37. Ms Karyn Hodgkinson (PDF 24KB)
  38. The Communications Council (PDF 209KB)
  39. Ms Deborah Malcolm - Confidential
  40. Cancer Council Western Australia and
    McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth (PDF 5,708KB)
  41. Alcohol Policy Coalition (PDF 677KB)
  42. Mrs Claire Boyd (PDF 16KB)
  43. Mr Warnar Spykar (PDF 158KB)
  44. Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (PDF 184KB)
  45. EROS Association(PDF 325KB)
  46. Dr Paul Tyler (PDF 399KB)
  47. Collective Shout (PDF 139KB)
  48. Kids Free 2B Kids(PDF 2,289KB)
  49. Ms Caitlin Roper (PDF 143KB)
  50. Dr Kurt Iveson (PDF 666KB)
  51. Attorney-General's Department - Answers to Questions on Notice (PDF 295KB)
  52. Media Standards Australia (PDF 3,327KB)
  53. Joint Submission -
    Mr Gordon Broderick (Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia)
    Mr Stephen Strachan (Winemakers' Federation of Australia) and
    Mr Stephen Swift (Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand) (PDF 1,045KB)
  54. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission - Answers to Questions on Notice (PDF 74KB)
  55. Mr Andrew Youd (PDF 395KB)
