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Appendix D: List of exhibits

1[1]           SA Department for Environment and Heritage

              Sea Level Rise and Climate Change: Implication for the Coorong and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert Ramsar Site

2            Emeritus Professor Colin Field

              ‘Threats to mangroves from climate change and adaptation option’, Aquatic Botany, 2008

3            National Native Title Tribunal

              The Sinking of the Straits, O Cordes-Holland

4            National Native Title Tribunal

              Native Title Maps

5            National Native Title Tribunal

              Impacts and Opportunities of Climate Change: Indigenous Participation in Environmental Markets, April 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 13)

6            CONFIDENTIAL

7            Local Government Association of Queensland

              Adapting to Climate Change: A Queensland Local Government Guide, June 2007

              (Related to Submission No. 16)

8            Professor Ralf Buckley, Griffith University

              Climate response: Issues, costs and liabilities in adapting to climate change in Australia

9            Planning Institute of Australia

              Final Report: The delivery of training seminars to planning practitioners on the impacts of climate change, June 2007

              (Related to Submission No. 51)

10          Mr Neil Lazarow

              Coastal Management in Australia: Key Institutional and Governance Issues for Coastal Natural Resource Management and Planning, Oct 2006

              (Related to Submission No. 58)

11          CONFIDENTIAL

12          Ms Barbara Norman

              ‘Our Endangered Coast’, Melbourne Age, 11 January 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 59)

13          City of Port Adelaide Enfield

              Port Adelaide Seawater and Stormwater Flooding Study: Stage 1, 2005

              (Related to Submission No. 59)

14          Dr Geoff Wescott

              Summary of Marine and Coastal Experience (Attachment C)

              (Related to Submission No. 60)

15          Dr Geoff Wescott

              ‘Waves: Marine and Coastal Community Networks, Autumn 2006 and Summer 2007’

              (Related to Submission No. 60)

16          Dr Geoff Wescott

              Implementing ICM in a Federated State: Australian Coastal Policy in the Twenty-First Century

              (Related to Submission No. 60)

17          Dr Geoff Wescott

              National Coastal Council Discussion Paper

              (Related to Submission No. 60)

18          Western Port Greenhouse Alliance

              Local Government Responding to Climate Change in Western Port

              (Related to Submission No. 62)

19          National Sea Change Taskforce

              Meeting the Sea Change Challenge: Sea Change Communities in Coastal Australia, March 2005

              (Related to Submission No. 79)

20          National Sea Change Taskforce

              Meeting the Sea Change Challenge: Best Practice Models of Local and Regional Planning for Sea Change Communities, January 2006

              (Related to Submission No. 79)

21          National Sea Change Taskforce

              Planning for Climate Change: Leading Practice for Sea Change Communities in Coastal Australia, May 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 79)

22          Professor Ralf Buckley, Griffith University

              Byron Coastline Management Study: Review and Critique

23          Professor Ralf Buckley, Griffith University

              Submission to the Hon Robert Carr, MP, Premier

24          WA Department of Planning and Infrastructure

              Coast WA: Better Integration - Western Australian Government's Response to the Coastal Taskforce Report, April 2003

              (Related to Submission No. 89)

25          WA Department of Planning and Infrastructure

              Report of the Ministerial Taskforce: Review of the Structural Arrangements for Coastal Planning in Western Australia, June 2002

              (Related to Submission No. 89)

26          WA Department of Planning and Infrastructure

              Coastal Planning and Coordination Council: Terms of Reference

              (Related to Submission No. 89)

27          Professor Jan McDonald

              A Risky Climate for Decision-Making: The Liability of Development Authorities for Climate Change Impacts, 2007

28          Professor Jan McDonald

              The Adaptation Imperative: Managing the Legal Risks of Climate Change Impacts, 2008

29          Mrs Jocelyn Jones

              Climate Change Discovery Centre

30          Australian Conservation Foundation - Central Coast

              Central Coast Regional Strategy, 2006-31

              (Related to Submission No. 44)

31          Lake Macquarie City Council

              Mayoral Minute on Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets

              (Related to Submission No. 44)

32          Lake Macquarie City Council

              NSW Mayors' Agreement on Climate Change

              (Related to Submission No. 44)

33          Lake Macquarie City Council

              Sea Level Rise Report, May 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 44)

34          Lake Macquarie City Council

              Resolution on Sea Level Rise, May 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 44)

35          Lake Macquarie City Council

              Foundation Hunter Region: Environmental Attitudes Survey 2007

              (Related to Submission No. 44)

36          Lake Macquarie City Council

              Information report on June 2007 storm/flood events

              (Related to Submission No. 44)

37          NSW Department of Planning

              High resolution Terrain Mapping of NSW Central and Hunter Coast for Assessments of Potential Climate Change Impacts, Final Project Report, May 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 44)

38          Lake Macquarie City Council

              Draft Lake Macquarie Community Plan 2008-2018

              (Related to Submission No. 44)

39          Catherine Hill Bay Progress Association and Dune Care

              Notification related to EPBC Act

              (Related to Submission No. 75)

40          CONFIDENTIAL

41          Professor Stephen Garnett

              Maps indicating potential sea level rise predictions for Darwin

42          Darwin City Council

              Coastal erosion issues in the East Point and Nightcliff areas of Darwin, April 2008

43          Darwin City Council

              Nightcliff Foreshore and East Point Erosion Study, Darwin City Council, May 2008

44          Gippsland Coastal Board

              Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Coastal Subsidence along the Gippsland Coast: Final Report, July 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 38)

45          Coastal Zone Management (Australia) Pty Ltd

              ‘National coastal policy and how might this support NRM priorities?’ 3rd National Coastal Estuarine and Marine NRM Workshop, Darwin, August 2008

46          Barbara Norman, Global Cities Institute, RMIT University

              Speech to National Coastal Conference, 20 August 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 20)

47          CONFIDENTIAL

48          DHI

              ‘A trial of the pressure equalisation module method of beach protection at Hervey Bay, Queensland’, S Hunt and G Stuart

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

49          DHI

              ‘DHI water policy: governance for sustainable development’

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

50          DHI

              ‘Managing coastal disasters on Australia’s Gold Coast’, S Hunt and G Stuart et al

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

51          DHI

              ‘Improvements to integrated coastal zone management on Australia’s Gold Coast: integrating coastal planning and engineering in local government’, S Hunt and G Stuart et al

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

52          DHI

              ‘Queensland coastal forum: local governments looking after the coast’, S Hunt and G Stuart et al

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

53          DHI

              ‘Overcoming barriers to coastal sustainability and facilitating improved delivery of regional management: case study of Sydney Coastal Council Group’, C Morrison, S Hunt and G Stuart

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

54          DHI

              ‘Local government and integrated coastal management: the Queensland Coastal Councils Group’, S Hunt and G Stuart

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

55          DHI

              ‘Coastal Management in Australia: Key Institutional and Governance Issues for Coastal Natural Resource Management and Planning’, N Lazarow et al, October 2006

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

56          Birds Australia

              ‘Long-term trends of shorebird populations in eastern Australia and impacts of freshwater extraction’, S Nebel et al, Biological Conservation, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 61)

57          Birds Australia

              ‘Status and trends of beach-nesting birds in Tasmania’, E Woehler and P Park

              (Related to Submission No. 61)

58          Birds Australia

              ‘Continuing decline of Eastern Curlew in Tasmania’, T Reid and P Park, Emu, 2003

              (Related to Submission No. 61)

59          Birds Australia

              ‘Beach-nesting birds get a helping hand’, G Maguire, Wingspan, September 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 61)

60          Birds Australia

              Assorted brochures on shorebirds

              (Related to Submission No. 61)

61          SA Government

              ‘Coastline: a strategy for implementing CPB policies on coastal acid sulphate soils in South Australia’, South Australian Coast Protection Board, No. 33, January 2003

              (Related to Submission No. 88)

62          SA Government

              ‘Coastline: coastal erosion, flooding and sea level rise standards and protection policy’, South Australian Coast Protection Board, No. 26, January 1992

              (Related to Submission No. 88)

63          SA Government

              ‘Policy on coast protection and new coastal development’, South Australian Coast Protection Board, May 1991

              (Related to Submission No. 88)

64          SA Government

              Terms of reference and membership: Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee to the Coast Protection Board of SA, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 88)

65          SA Government

              ‘Planning SA: BDP planning policy library’, Version 3, Planning SA, November 2007

              (Related to Submission No. 88)

66          City of Port Adelaide Enfield

              Local Government Association of SA: Climate Change Strategy: 2008-2012, September 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 59)

67          SGS Economics and Planning

              ‘Three pass approach to coastal risk assessment’, C Sharples and C Attwater et al

68          SGS Economics and Planning

              ‘Choosing from adaptation options—more than a short term cost benefit approach’, C Attwater et al

69          SGS Economics and Planning

              ‘Bearing the cost—setting price signals and cost sharing to ensure a soft landing’, C Attwater et al

70          SGS Economics and Planning Pty Ltd

              ‘Establishing triggers for adaptive response to climate change’, C Attwater et al

71          SGS Economics and Planning Pty Ltd

              ‘Modelling coastal processes and hazards to assess sea level rise impacts for integration into a planning scheme’, C Attwater et al

72          SGS Economics and Planning Pty Ltd

              ‘Planning instruments and legal issues—adjusting the instruments to changing conditions’, C Attwater et al

73          SGS Economics and Planning Pty Ltd

              ‘A response to climate change and sea level rise impacts on coastal areas’, C Attwater et al

74          SGS Economics and Planning Pty Ltd

              ‘The changing coast—providing room for natural adjustments’, C Attwater et al

75          SGS Economics and Planning Pty Ltd

              ‘Climate change driving a new social divide? Socioeconomic vulnerability of coastal communities’, C Attwater et al

76          Emeritus Professor Bruce Thom

              Recommendations directed to the Commonwealth from the 17th NSW Coastal Conference, November 2008

77          Planning Institute of Australia

              Coastal Spaces Landscape Assessment Study: Protection and Management of Victoria’s Coastal Landscapes—State Overview Report, September 2006

78          Planning Institute of Australia

              Planning Institute of Australia submission to Senate Select Committee on Agriculture and Related Industries, October 2008

79          Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts

              National Cooperative Approach to Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Framework and Implementation Plan

              (Related to Submission No. 103)

80          Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts

              Caring for Our Country: Outcomes 2008-13, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 103)

81          Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland

              Copies of submissions to the Queensland Department of Infrastructure and Planning North East Coast Study

82          Torres Strait Regional Authority

              Masig Island Coastal Management Plan

              (Related to Submission No. 7b)

83          Torres Strait Regional Authority

              Sea Erosion Assessment Reports on 6 Torres Strait Islands and Management Recommendations, Queensland Environmental Protection Agency

              (Related to Submission No. 7b)

84          Torres Strait Regional Authority

              Torres Strait Islands: Seawall Concepts and Preliminary Cost Estimates, Queensland Environmental Protection Agency

              (Related to Submission No. 7b)

85          Torres Strait Regional Authority

              Natural Disaster Mitigation Program: Series of Applications relating to the Torres Strait

              (Related to Submission No. 7b)

86          SA Department for Environment and Heritage

              ‘Climate change: what are local governments liable for?’, Urban Research Program, Issues Paper 6, March 2007, Philippa England, Griffith University

              (Related to Submission No. 88a)

87          North East Bioregional Network

              ‘Submission to Minister for Local Government opposing Break O’Day Council Aplication for Sewer/Water Connection to Binalong Bay’, Bay of Fires Coastal Preservation Lobby, July 2006

              (Related to Submission No. 70)

88          North East Bioregional Network

              Linking Landscapes: A Wild Country Vision for North-East Tasmania

              (Related to Submission No. 70)

89          North East Bioregional Network

              ‘Push for planning law revamp’, Mercury, 2 October 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 70)

90          North East Bioregional Network

              ‘TCCI supports regional model for planning’, Examiner, 24 December 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 70)

91          Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water

              ‘Coastal Hazards in Tasmania: General Information Paper’, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 93)

92          Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water

              Sea-Level Extremes in Tasmania: Summary and Practical Guide for Planners and Managers, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 93)

93          Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water

              Historical and Projected Sea-Level Extremes for Hobart and Burnie, Tasmania, Dr JR Hunter, ACE CRC, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 93)

94          Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water

              Background Report: Coastal Flooding—Review of the Use of Exceedance Statistics in Tasmania, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 93)

95          Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water

              Climate Change and Coastal Asset Vulnerability: An Audit of Tasmania’s Coastal Assets Potentially Vulnerable to Flooding and Sea-Level Rise

              (Related to Submission No. 93)

96          CSIRO

              ‘Presentation on sea level rise, Dr John Church, Program Leader, Sea Level Rise’, Dr J Church

97          SGS Economics and Planning Pty Ltd

              Climate Change Impacts on Clarence Coastal Areas, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 105)

98          North East Bioregional Network

              Copy of newspaper articles, maps and Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal decision, 2009

              (Related to Submission No. 70)

99          Engineers Australia

              Guidelines for Responding to the Effects of Climate Change in Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 2004

              (Related to Submission No. 29)

100        Engineers Australia

              Coastal Engineering Guidelines for Working with the Australian Coast in an Ecologically Sustainable Way, 2004

              (Related to Submission No. 29)

101        Engineers Australia

              Infrastructure and Climate Change Risk Assessment for Victoria: Report to the Victorian Government, CSIRO, 2007

              (Related to Submission No. 29)

102        Engineers Australia

              ‘Floodplain management in NSW—adapting for sea level rise’, R Dewar

              (Related to Submission No. 29)

103        Sydney Coastal Councils Group

              Case studies of adaptive capacity: systems approach to regional climate change adaptation strategies, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 77)

104        Sydney Coastal Councils Group

              Regional workshops synthesis report: Sydney Coastal Councils’ vulnerability to climate change, Part 1, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 77)

105        Sydney Coastal Councils Group

              Mapping climate change vulnerability in the Sydney Coastal Councils Group, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 77)

106        Sydney Coastal Councils Group

              Coastal councils and planning for climate change: an assessment of Australian and NSW legislation and government policy provisions relating to climate change relevant to regional and metropolitan coastal councils

              (Related to Submission No. 77)

107        National Marine Science Centre

              ‘California coastal and ocean economy: how California’s coasts and oceans contribute to the economy’

              (Related to Submission No. 47)

108        Manly Council

              Climate change actions for Manly LGA 2008-2038

              (Related to Submission No. 72)

109        Manly Council

              Climate change actions for Manly LGA 2008-2038: released in the public interest by Manly Council, subject to qualifications

              (Related to Submission No. 72)

110        Australian Conservation Foundation

              ‘Protecting Western Australia’s big blue backyard: save our marine life’

              (Related to Submission No. 82)

111        Australian Conservation Foundation

              ‘Monaco Declaration’, Second International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 82)

112        Climate Action Newcastle

              ‘Climate Code Red: the case for emergency action’ D Spratt and P Sutton, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 68)

113        Climate Action Newcastle

              ‘The Transition Handbook: creating local sustainable communities beyond oil dependency’ R Hopkins, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 68)

114        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Regional Community Consultation Forums: Resource Kit

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

115        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Summary of Climate Change Impacts: Illawarra Region

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

116        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Summary of Climate Change Impacts: Sydney Region

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

117        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Summary of Climate Change Impacts: South East Region

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

118        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Summary of Climate Change Impacts: North Coast Region

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

119        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Summary of Climate Change Impacts: Western Region

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

120        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Summary of Climate Change Impacts: Riverina Murray Region

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

121        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Summary of Climate Change Impacts: Hunter Region

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

122        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Summary of Climate Change Impacts: Central Coast Region

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

123        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              NSW Climate Action Plan—Summary of Climate Change Impacts: New England/North West NSW Region

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

124        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              Draft Sea Level Rise Policy Statement, 2009

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

125        NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change

              Scientific basis of the 2009 sea level rise benchmark: draft technical note, 2009

              (Related to Submission No. 55)

126        Australian Conservation Foundation

              ‘Impact of climate change on Japanese port infrastructure’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6, 2009

              (Related to Submission No. 82)

127        Australian Conservation Foundation

              ‘Seagrasses of Australia’, H Kirkman, 1997

              (Related to Submission No. 82)

128        Australian Conservation Foundation

              ‘Australia’s ocean facts: the coast’, CSIRO, 1998

              (Related to Submission No. 82)

129        Australian Conservation Foundation

              ‘Background information on climate change impacts on Australian mangroves and seagrasses’

              (Related to Submission No. 82)

130        City of Mandurah

              ‘Briefing Package: Inquiry into Climate Change and Environmental Impacts on Coastal Communities’, 2009

131        WA Department for Planning and Infrastructure

              Additional material: Key Message

              (Related to Submission No. 89)

132        WA Department for Planning and Infrastructure

              Western Australian Planning Commission, Statement of Planning Policy No. 2.6, ‘State Coastal Planning Policy’ 10 June 2003

              (Related to Submission No. 89)

133        WA Department for Planning and Infrastructure

              Coastal Protection Policy for Western Australia

              (Related to Submission No. 89)

134        WA Department for Planning and Infrastructure

              Project in Progress: WA Coastal Compartments and Sediment Cells

              (Related to Submission No. 89)

135        WA Department for Planning and Infrastructure

              5 Key Elements of a Climate Change Risk Assessment Framework for the Coast

              (Related to Submission No. 89)

136        Town of Cottesloe, WA

              Council Meeting Minutes, 23 June 12.2.5 Foreshore Vulnerability to Climate Change Impact – Study Report, 2008,

              (Related to Submission No. 8)

137        Town of Cottesloe, Western Australia

              ’11.2.3 Foreshore Vulnerability to Climate Change Impact – Impacts, Priorities and Study Applicability’

              (Related to Submission No. 8)

138        Town of Cottesloe, WA

              Vulnerability of the Cottesloe Foreshore to the Potential Impacts of Climate Change, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 8)

139        Town of Cottesloe, WA

              Coastal Survey Zones, No.2, Coastal Survey Zone Boundaries

              (Related to Submission No. 8)

140        Griffith University

              Climate Response: Issues, Costs and Liabilities in Adapting to Climate Change in Australia

              (Related to Submission No. 58)

141        Griffith University

              ‘Severe Storms on the East Coast of Australia: 1770-2008’, J Callaghan and P Helman, 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 58)

142        Griffith University

              Dynamic solutions for coastal sustainability

              (Related to Submission No. 58)

143        Griffith University

              Gold Coast beaches: coastED’, DVD

              (Related to Submission No. 58)

144        Sunshine Coast Environment Council

              Primary impact zone for storm surges—flood prone areas: Maroochy, Queensland

              (Related to Submission No. 27)

145        DHI Water and Environment

              Linking fresh water resources management and coastal zone management: general issues paper

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

146        DHI Water and Environment

              Benefits and challenges of linked coastal and river basin management: case studies

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

147        DHI Water and Environment

              ‘Water, environment, health’

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

148        DHI Water and Environment

              ‘Adapting to a changing climate’

              (Related to Submission No. 101)

149        Queensland Government

              Draft South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-31

              (Related to Submission No. 91)

150        Mr David Corkill

              Our Vision for the Future of the Gold Coast, 2008

151        Professor Stuart Bunn

              ‘Healthy Waterways, Healthy Catchments: Making the Connection in South East Queensland, Australia’, 2009

152        Professor Stuart Bunn

              South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership: Annual Report—2007-08

153        Professor Stuart Bunn

              Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program: Report card 2008 for the waterways and catchments of South East Queensland, SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership

154        Professor Stuart Bunn

              Miscellaneous newsletters and pamphlets

155        Professor Stuart Bunn

              Sea level rise in Kowanyama Aboriginal community, Queensland, Our World Web Journal, United Nations Institute, 19 January 2009

156        Department of Health and Ageing

              Mental Health Services in Rural Remote Areas: Stages 1 &2  - Organisations Funded with Coastal Boundaries

157        Western Coastal Board

              Statement by the Western Coastal Board

              (Related to Submission No. 34)

158        Australian National University

              Correspondence from Dr L Dobes

159        Mornington Peninsula Shire

              ‘Climate change: what we are doing about it’

              (Related to Submission No. 36)

160        Ms Barbara Norman

              ‘Principles for an intergovernmental agreement for coastal planning and climate change in Australia’, 2009

              (Related to Submission No. 20)

161        Dr Geoff Wescott

              ‘Back to Basics: Breakthrough Proposals for the Australian Environment’, 2009

              (Related to Submission No. 60)

162        Mornington Peninsula Shire

              ‘Continuing the climate change conversation’, 2009

              (Related to Submission No. 36)

163        Dr Geoff Wescott

              ‘Stimulating vertical integration in coastal management in a federated nation: the case of Australian coastal policy reform’, 2009

              (Related to Submission No. 60)

164        Great Ocean Road Coast Committee

              Coast News

              (Related to Submission No. 35)

165        Mornington Peninsula Shire

              Climate change conversation survey results

              (Related to Submission No. 36)

166        Department of Planning and Community Development

              Coastal Spaces: Recommendations—April 2006

              (Related to Submission No. 90)

167        Department of Planning and Community Development

              Victorian Coastal Strategy 2008

              (Related to Submission No. 90)

168        Mornington Peninsula Shire

              Mornington Peninsula solar power scheme

              (Related to Submission No. 36)

169        Gippsland Coastal Board

              ‘Coastal planning’

              (Related to Submission No. 38)

170        Global Warming Group Queenscliffe

              Draft council plan, 2009-2013

              (Related to Submission No. 42)

171        Global Warming Group Queenscliffe

              Photographs of storm damage in Queenscliff

              (Related to Submission No. 42)

172        Western Port Greenhouse Alliance

              Western Port Greenhouse Alliance: local government responding to climate change in the south-east

              (Related to Submission No. 62)

173        Western Port Greenhouse Alliance

              ‘Telling you all we know: conservations about climate change on Mornington Peninsula’

              (Related to Submission No. 62)

174        Miss Margaret Clinch

              Canal Estates - Darwin (Afafura Harbour Proposal)

              (Related to Submission No. 1)


176        Victorian Government

              Planning for coastal climate change; an insight into international and national approaches

              (Related to Submission No. 90)

177        Roebuck Bay Working Group

              The Life and Tides of Roebuck Bay

178        Roebuck Bay Working Group

              Interim Management Guidelines

179        Conservation Council of Western Australia Inc.

              Shorebird Conservation in Australia

180        WWF - Australia

              Assessment of the Direct and Indirect Risks from Human Induced Climate Change to Key Ecosystems in Northern Australia


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