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Appendix A - Submissions

1.      Mr James Darcy

2.      Sane Australia

3.      Name withheld

4.      Parliamentary-in-confidence

4.1.1        Supplementary submission (also parliamentary-in-confidence)

5.      Canefields Clubhouse Beenleigh Inc.

6.      Parliamentary-in-confidence

7.      National Disability Coordination Officer Program, Wodonga TAFE

8.      National Disability Coordination Officer Program, SkillsPlus Ltd

9.      Parliamentary-in-confidence

10.  Welfare Rights Centre Queensland

11.  Parliamentary-in-confidence

12.  Name withheld

13.  Headspace

14.  Parliamentary-in-confidence

15.  Dr Geoffrey Waghorn

15.1          Supplementary submission

16.  Black Dog Institute

17.  Mental Illness Fellowship South Australia

17.1          Suplementary submission

18.  Mental Health Council of Tasmania

19.  Parliamentary-in-confidence

20.  Multicultural Mental Health Australia

21.  beyondblue

22.  Lantern

22.1          Supplementary submission

23.  Carers Australia and Carers New South Wales

24.  Ms Ruth Tay and Mr Andrew Leigh MP

25.  Name withheld

26.  TEAMhealth

27.  Open Minds

28.  Orygen Youth Health Research Centre

29.  TriQ

30.  Private Mental Health Consumer Carer Network (Australia)

31.  Occupational Therapy Australia

32.  The WorkFocus Group

33.  Psychosocial Research Centre

34.  Workskills Incorporated

34.1          Supplementary submission

35.  National Disability Services

36.  Queensland Alliance for Mental Health Inc.

37.  Mental Health Coordinating Council

38.  Social Firms Australia

39.  Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

40.  The Australian Psychological Society

41.  National Employment Services Association

42.  NSW Consumer Advisory Group

43.  Department of Human Services

44.  Australian Human Rights Commission

45.  Parliamentary-in-confidence

46.  Janssen

47.  Wesley Mission

48.  ACE National Network

49.  BoysTown

50.  Tasmanian Government

51.  Mr Jeff Munday

52.  Bio-balance Health Association Inc.

53.  Name withheld

54.  Dr Richard Stuckey

54.1          Supplementary submission

55.  Name withheld

56.  Queensland Government

57.  Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria

58.  Mr Stephen Brown

59.  Associate Professor Vicki Bitsika

60.  Mates in Construction

61.  Ms Jeanette Thorogood

62.  Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Department of Health and Ageing and Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

63.  Medibank

64.  Comcare

65.  Name withheld

66.  Edge Employment Solutions

67.  Rio Tinto

68.  Western Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

68.1           Supplementary submission

69.  Anglicare Tasmania

70.  VETE (Vocational Education, Training & Employment) Service Northern Sydney & Central Coast Local Health Districts, Mental Health Drug & Alcohol, NSW Ministry of Health.

71.  Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

72.  Inspire Foundation

73.  Australian Youth Forum

74.  Commonwealth Ombudsman

75.  Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR)

76.  Department of Defence

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