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Appendix B – Exhibits

  1. Mr David Meldrum, Executive Director, Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc., ‘Mental Illness and Employment- challenges for the future’, paper 4 in a series of 5 position papers to raise awareness of the needs of people with a mental illness in Australia (July 2010).
  2. Professor Eoin Killackey, Orygen Youth Health, Miles Rinaldi et al, ‘First episode psychosis and employment: a review’, International Review of Psychiatry, April 2010; 22 (2): 148-162.

Eoin J. Killackey et al, ‘Exciting career opportunity beckons! Early intervention and vocational rehabilitation in first-episode psychosis: employing cautious enthusiasm’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 40: 951-962.

Eoin Killackey et al, ‘Vocational intervention in first-episode psychosis: individual placement and support v. Treatment as usual’, The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 192, 114-120.

  1. Mr Nick Rushworth, Executive Officer, Brain Injury Australia, Brain Injury Australia Inc., ‘Complexities of co-morbidity (acquired brain injury and mental illness) and the intersection between the health and community services systems’, A summary paper prepared for the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, June 2007.
  2. Ms Christine Emerson, Growing Towards Wellness Pty Ltd, funding submission to the Department of Health in Western Australia.
  3. Ms Gina Chinnery, Youth Employment Consultant, Orygen Youth Health, Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, ‘The relationship between violence and mental illness’, Orygen e-Brief. February 2011.
  4. Outlook, brochure, ‘Bright ideas for an inclusive community.’
  5. Ermha Inc., ‘Madcap Enterprises exists to achieve one goal – to assist people with a mental illness who want to enter the workforce.’
  6. Mind Australia, Strategic Plan 2010-2015, Mind Annual Report 2009-2010, and Sane Australia, Mindful Employer: Better workplace mental health, all related to Submission no. 2.
  7. Nicholas Bolto, The Difference, Issue One....2011.
  8. Email from name withheld, R. Perkins et al, ‘Realising ambitions: Better employment support for people with a mental health condition’, an independent review to [the UK] Government, Department for Work and Pensions, December 2009.
  9. Dr Ellis Fossey, Psychosocial Research Centre, Ellie M. Fossey and Carol A. Harvey, ‘Finding and sustaining employment: A qualitative meta-synthesis of mental health consumer reviews’, Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, December 2010 77 (5) 303-313.

Anne Williams, ‘Sustaining employment in a social firm: views of employees with a psychiatric disability’.

Tamar Paluch, ‘What types of supports are available to employees in social firms’, all related to Submission no. 33, all related to Submission no. 33.

  1. Professor Helen Christensen, Director, Centre for Mental Health Research, Australian National University, a description of the Beacon Health Portal, developed by the Centre for Mental Health Research at the Australian National University.

Helen Christensen and Ian B. Hickie, ‘E-mental health: a new era in delivery of mental health services’, MJA, Vol. 192 No. 11, 7 June 2010.

Kathleen M Griffiths, Louise Farrer and Helen Christensen, ‘The efficacy of internet interventions for depression and anxiety disorders: a review of Randomised controlled trials’, MJA, Vol. 192 No.11, 7 June 2010.

  1. A/Professor Peter Butterworth, Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University, P. Butterworth et al, ‘The psychosocial quality of work determines whether employment has benefits for mental health: results from a longitudinal national household panel survey’, Occup Environ Med (2011).
  2. Mental Illness Fellowship South Australia, information folder, related to Submission no. 17.
  3. Mr Todd Bamford, Team Leader, Southern Adelaide Health Service, ‘Enabling Mental Health Consumer Employment Outcomes in South Australia’, Discussion Paper, 3 June 2008.
  4. Mr Deiniol Griffith, Team Leader, Mental Illness Fellowship of South Australia, various documents:

Carmen C. D. Franke et al, ‘Implementing mental health peer support: a South Australian experience’, Australian Journal of Primary Health, 2010, 16, 179-186.

Emma Willoughby and Agravaine MacLachlan,’ Effective consumer participation in organisational change.’

MIFSA and Baptist Care SA, Peer work information, Information for organisations, brochure.

MIFSA and Baptist Care SA, Employer tool-kit: Employing peer workers in your organisation

  1. Mr John Strachan, Sector Manager, Department of Health, South Australia, powerpoint presentation, ‘Enabling Employment Outcomes South Australia’s Resume.’
  2. Reverend Dr Keith V Garner, Superintendent/CEO, Wesley Mission, Architectural drawings for proposed Port Macquarie Clinic for Wesley Mission.
  3. Mr Steve Bailey, Australian Psychological Society, Helen M. Stallman, ‘Psychological distress in university students: A comparison with general population data’, Australian Psychologist, December 2010; 45(4): 249-257.
  4. Ms Georgia Zogalis, National Program Manager, Multicultural Mental Health Australia, brochure, ‘National Cultural Competency Tool (NCCT) for Mental Health Services.’
  5. Dr Philip Morris, ‘Vocational rehabilitation in psychiatry – a re-evaluation (2008)’.
  6. Ms Sarah Marshall, National Environment and Sustainability Manager, Abigroup Limited, DVD and CD, ‘Building Strong Foundations’.
  7. Ms Gail Middleton, Executive Director, Welfare Rights Centre Inc, brochure, ‘Scene and Unseen.’
  8. Mr Mark Hands, Executive Officer, Australian Trade and Industry College, information folder, ‘The future of industry begins here.’
  9. Mr Dale Dearman, School Counsellor, various documents:

Grace Lutheran College, school diary

‘Healthy Minds Expo’, Tuesday 19 July 2011, brochure

School Counselling Department, ‘Mental Health And Well-being Initiatives Conducted by Grace Lutheran College’.

  1. Dr Geoffrey Waghorn, Head, Social Inclusion and Translational Research, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, various papers:

Geoff Waghorn et al, ‘Building a career of your choice’ 2nd ed., brochure funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.

Geoff Waghorn and Chris Lloyd, ‘The employment of people with mental illness,’ Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 4(2).

Geoff Waghorn et al, ‘The importance of service integration in developing effective employment services for people with severe mental health conditions’, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, July 2011 74 (7), pp. 1-9.

Deborah J. Browne et al, ‘Developing high performing employment services for people with a mental illness’, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, September 2009, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 502-511.

Deborah J. Browne, ‘Employment services as an early intervention for young people with a mental illness’, Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2010; 4: 327-335.

Emma Robson et al, ‘Preliminary outcomes from an individualised supported education programme delivered by a community mental health service, ‘British Journal of Occupational Therapy, October 2010 72 (10), pp. 481-486.

Geoff Waghorn et al, ‘Reviewing the theory and practice of occupational therapy in mental health’, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, July 2009 72 (7), pp. 1-10.

Geoff Waghorn et al, ‘Earning and learning among Australia community residents with psychiatric disorders,’in press with Psychiatry Research.

Geoff Waghorn and Christine E. Spowart, ‘Managing personal information in supported employment for people with psychiatric disabilities’ in Chris Lloyd (ed), Vocational Rehabilitation and Mental Health, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp. 201-210.

Geoff Waghorn et al, ‘Enhancing community mental health services through formal partnerships with supported employment providers’, in press with American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Gary Bond, ‘Supported employment: evidence for an evidence-based practice, ‘Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, Spring 2004; 27, 4.

  1. Ms Caroline Crosse, Executive Director, Social Firms Australia Ltd, various documents:

Brochure, ‘Health Optimisation Program for Employment: To help job seekers improve their mental health to get ready for work.’

Powerpoint presentation, ‘Local Area Employment Partnership (LEAP) and Health Optimisation Program for Employment (HOPE)- Results from first year of delivery.’

  1. Mr Rick Kane, WISE Employment, Disability Employment Services, ‘Job in Jeopardy Guidelines’ effective date 14 February 2011.
  2. Dr Jennifer Bowers, Chief Executive Officer, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, information folder.
  3. Northern Territory Government, The Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, ‘Willing and Able strategy 2009-2012: A strategy for the employment of people with a disability in the Northern Territory Public Sector.
  4. Workfocus Group, Workfocus Australia and Disability Employment Services Factsheet on the National Disability Recruitment Coordinator, Service, and Factsheet on JobAccess: your one stop shot for disability employment matters.
  5. Commonwealth Ombudsman, ‘Falling through the cracks’ Centrelink, DEEWR and FaHSCIA: Engaging with customers with a mental illness in the social security system’, September 2010.
  6. Comcare, brochure, ‘Early intervention to support psychological health and wellbeing.’
  7. Department of Defence, information folder on ADF mental health strategies, including a DVD, ‘Dents in the Soul: dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder’.
  8. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, ‘OECD report: Sick on the job? Myths and realities about mental health and work.’
  9. Dr Jennifer Bowers, Chief Executive Officer, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, ‘Road map’ brochure.
  10. Dr Jennifer Bowers, Chief Executive Officer, Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, ‘Safety and health culture’ brochure.
  11. Email from Dr Laura-Anne Bull, Deputy-Registrar-Student Services, Australian National University.
  12. Email from Ms Debi Toman, National Disability Coordination Officer, University of Sydney.
  13. Email from Ms Nita Schultz, Executive Officer, Victorian TAFE Association.
  14. Email from Ms Deepthi Wijesekera, Specialist Employment Services Group, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
  15. Email from Ms Dea Morgain, Manager Workplace Supports, Social Firms Australia


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