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The 2010 Federal Election - Report on the conduct of the election and related matters

June 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011
ISBN 978-0-642-79492-5 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79493-2 (HTML version)


View the report as a single document - (PDF 5MB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary pages - Chair’s foreword (PDF 149KB)
Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 51KB)

Scope of the inquiry
Conduct of the inquiry
Structure of the report

Chapter 2 2010 election overview and key issues (PDF 134KB)

Background including significant events
Administration of the 2010 federal election
Comments on the conduct of the 2010 federal election
Legislative changes in force at the 2010 federal election
Committee conclusion

Chapter 3 Maintaining the electoral roll (PDF 221KB)

Committee conclusion
Flexible enrolment and roll maintenance processes
Committee conclusion
Objections to enrolment
Committee conclusion

Chapter 4 Polling and voting (PDF 300KB)

Ordinary votes
Committee conclusion
Pre-poll declaration votes
Committee conclusion
Postal voting
Committee conclusion
Absent voting
Committee conclusion
Voting for blind and low vision electors
Committee conclusion
Antarctic voting
Committee conclusion
How-to-Vote cards
Committee conclusion

Chapter 5 Safeguarding the franchise (PDF 66KB)

Rowe v Electoral Commissioner
Roach v Electoral Commissioner
Committee conclusion

Chapter 6 Reinstatement to the roll (PDF 166KB)

Reinstatement – ensuring the voting franchise is not lost
Provisional votes – reinstate or reject?
Committee conclusion

Chapter 7 Formality issues (PDF 396KB)

Requirements for a formal vote
Informal voting in the 2010 federal election
Historical context to Senate voting changes
Factors affecting informal voting
Addressing informality through education
Saving informal votes in the House of Representatives
Optional preferential voting
Progressive informality voting system
South Australian ticket voting
Committee conclusion

Chapter 8 Redistribution of electoral boundaries (PDF 396KB)

The 2010 redistribution of Victoria
Committee conclusion

Chapter 9 Other issues (PDF 112KB)

Ballot papers
Nomination deposits
Committee conclusion
Nominations period and commencement of pre-polling
Committee conclusion
Overseas voting and expatriates
Committee conclusion
Senate ballot paper packaging
Committee conclusion
Undertakings by persons employed by the AEC
Committee conclusion
Impact of election earnings for polling staff employed by the AEC
Committee conclusion

Dissenting report – The Hon. Bronwyn Bishop MP, The Hon. Alex Somlyay MP, Senator Scott Ryan, Senator Simon Birmingham (PDF 141KB)

Summary of Opposition recommendations
Dissenting report
Fraudulent Voting
‘Automatic’ enrolment
AEC and ALP submissions
Election Day enrolment
Electronic signatures
Electoral Roll cleansing
Pre-poll enrolments
Postal vote applications
Cut-off date for receipt of postal vote applications
Declaration votes
South Australian ticket voting
Close of nominations
Contracts for Election Day officials

Additional comments—Senator Scott Ryan - Additional comments regarding Recommendations 25 and 26 (PDF 46KB)

The Labor proposal
Optional preferential voting
Some other issues

Appendix A – Submissions and Exhibits (PDF 65KB)
Appendix B – Public hearings (PDF 56KB)
Appendix C – Selected data (PDF 477KB)
Appendix D – Status of 2007 federal election majority report recommendations (PDF 140KB)
