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Report 428: Review of Auditor-General's Report Nos 16 to 46 (2010-11)

24 November 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011

ISBN 978-0-642-79606-6 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79605-9 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1436KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary Pages (PDF 121KB)
Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 60KB)

Background to the review
The Committee’s report

Chapter 2 Audits of Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities (PDF 164KB)

Audit Report No.22 2010–11
Financial statements
Accounting and auditing framework
Future developments in the public sector reporting framework
The ANAO audit[9]
Audit findings[10]
The Committee’s review
Australian Government financial reporting
Managing liabilities
Public sector reporting framework
Committee comment

Chapter 3 Digital Education Revolution – National Secondary Schools Computer Fund (PDF 204KB)

Audit Report No. 30 2010-11
National Secondary Schools Computer Fund[7]
Funding agreements[9]
Program progress
Focus of the review
The ANAO audit
Overall audit conclusion[14]
ANAO recommendations[15]
The Committee’s review
Implementation of ANAO recommendations
Early program challenges
Data accuracy
Installation progress
Program monitoring and evaluation
Committee comment

Chapter 4 Maintenance of the Defence Estate (PDF 161KB)

Audit Report No. 41 2010–11
Condition of the estate and the reform agenda
Planning and delivery arrangements for estate maintenance
The ANAO audit
Overall audit conclusion[14]
ANAO recommendations[26]
The Committee’s review
Implementation of ANAO recommendations
Strategic Reform Program
Systems support—Garrison and Estate Management System
Committee comment

Chapter 5 Management of Student Visas (PDF 205KB)

Audit Report No. 46 2010–11
Policy context
Program integrity initiatives
Review of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
Strategic review of the student visa program (Knight Review)
The ANAO audit
Audit findings
ANAO recommendations[30]
The Committee’s review
The changing environment
Implementation of recommendations
Post-study work rights
Visa processing[48]
Compliance plans
Non-Compliance Notices
Collaboration between departments
Committee comments

Appendix A — Submissions and Exhibits (PDF 25KB)
Appendix B — Public Hearings (PDF 57KB)
Appendix C - Finalised Non-Compliance Notices (PDF 35KB)
Appendix D - DIAC–DEEWR Strategic Student Visa Policy Group Guidelines[1] (PDF 59KB)
