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Appendix A – Conduct of the Committee’s review

Selection of Audit Reports 2006-07 and 2007-08

At various times throughout 2007 and 2008, the Committee considered the following Audit Reports which were tabled in Parliament in the period from 7 August 2007 to 26 August 2008:

n  No. 48 2006-07, Superannuation Payments for Contractors Working for the Australian Government – Follow-up Audit;

n  No. 49 2006-07, Non-APS Workers;

n  No. 50 2006-07, The Higher Education Loan Programme;

n  No. 51 2006-07, Interim Phase of the Audit of Financial Statements of General Government Sector Agencies for the Year Ending 30 June 2007;

n  No. 52 2006-07, The Australian Taxation Office's Approach to Regulating and Registering Self Mananged Superannuation Funds;

n  No. 53 2006-07, Australian Federal Police Overseas Operations;

n  No. 1 2007-08, Acquisition of the ABRAMS Main Battle Tank;

n  No. 2 2007-08, Electronic Travel Authority – Follow-up Audit;

n  No. 3 2007-08, Australian Technical Colleges Programme;

n  No. 4 2007-08, Container Examination Facilities Follow-up;

n  No. 5 2007-08, National Cervical Screening Program-Follow-up;

n  No. 6 2007-08, Australia 's Preparedness for a Human Influenza Pandemic;

n  No. 7 2007-08, The Senate Order for Departmental and Agency Contracts (Calendar Year 2006 Compliance);

n  No. 8 2007-08, Proof of Identity for Accessing Centrelink Payments;

n  No. 9 2007-08, Australian Apprenticeships;

n  No. 10 2007-08, Whole of Government Indigenous Service Delivery;

n  No. 11 2007-08, Management of the FFG Capability Upgrade;

n  No. 12 2007-08, Administration of High Risk Income Tax Refunds in the Individuals and Micro Enterprises Market Segments;

n  No. 13 2007-08, The Australian Taxation Office's Approach to Managing Self Managed Superannuation Fund Compliance Risks;

n  No. 14 2007-08, Performance Audit of the Regional Partnerships Programme;

n  No. 15 2007-08, Administration of Australian Business Number Registrations – Follow-up Audit;

n  No. 16 2007-08, Data Integrity in the Child Support Agency;

n  No. 17 2007-08, Management of the IT Refresh Programme;

n  No. 18 2007-08, Audits of the Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities for the Period Ended 30 June 2007;

n  No. 19 2007-08, Administration of the Automotive Competitiveness and Investment Scheme;

n  No. 20 2007-08, Accuracy of Medicare Claims Processing;

n  No. 21 2007-08, Regional Delivery Model for the National Heritage Trust and the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality;

n  No. 22 2007-08, Administration of Grants to the Australian Rail Track Corporation;

n  No. 23 2007-08, The Management of Cost Recovery by Selected Regulators;

n  No. 24 2007-08, DIAC's Management of the Introduction of Biometric Technologies;

n  No. 25 2007-08, Administering Round the Clock Medicare Grants;

n  No. 26 2007-08, Tasmanian Forest Industry Development and Assistance Programs;

n  No. 27 2007-08, Emergency Management Australia;

n  No. 28 2007-08, Defence's Compliance with the Public Works Committee Approval Processes;

n  No. 29 2007-08, Parent School Partnerships Initiative;

n  No. 30 2007-08, The Australian Taxation Office's Use of Data Matching and Analytics in Tax Administration;

n  No. 31 2007-08, Management of Recruitment in the Australian Public Service;

n  No. 32 2007-08, Preparation of the Tax Expenditures Statement;

n  No. 33 2007-08, The National Capital Authority's Management of National Assets;

n  No. 34 2007-08, Administration of the Pathology Quality and Outlays Memorandum of Understanding;

n  No. 35 2007-08, Building Certification of Residential Aged Care Homes;

n  No. 36 2007-08, The Australian Taxation Office's Strategies to Address Tax Haven Compliance Risks;

n  No. 37 2007-08, Management of Credit Cards;

n  No. 38 2007-08, Administration of Job Network Service Fees;

n  No. 39 2007-08, Managing e-Business Applications – Follow-up Audit;

n  No. 40 2007-08, Taxpayers' Charter – Follow-up Audit;

n  No. 41 2007-08, Management of Personnel Security – Follow-up Audit;

n  No. 42 2007-08, Management of Customer Debt – Follow-up Audit;

n  No. 43 2007-08, Third Tranche Sale of Telstra Shares;

n  No. 44 2007-08, Interim Phase of the Audit of Financial Statements of General Government Sector Agencies for the Year ending 30 June 2008;

n  No. 45 2007-08, Specific Purpose Payments: General Recurrent Grants for Government Schools;

n  No. 46 2007-08, Regulation of Commercial Broadcasting;

n  No. 1 2008-09, Employment and Management of Locally Engaged Staff; and

n  No. 2 2008-09, Tourism Australia.

The JCPAA discussed the above audit reports and considered whether the issues and findings in the reports warranted further examination at a public hearing. In making this assessment the Committee considered, in relation to each audit report:

n  the significance of the program or issues canvassed in the audit report;

n  the significance of the audit findings;

n  the response of the audited agencies, as detailed in each audit report; and

n  the extent of any public interest in the audit report.

The Committee selected the following reports for review:

n  Audit Report No. 10 2007-08, Whole of Government Indigenous Service Delivery;

n  Audit Report No. 21 2007-08, Regional Delivery Model for the National Heritage Trust and the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality;

n  Audit Report No. 32 2007-08, Preparation of the Tax Expenditures Statement;

n  Audit Report No. 42 2007-08, Management of Customer Debt – Follow Up Audit; and

n  Audit Report No. 46 2007-08, Regulation of Commercial Broadcasting.


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