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Report 414: Review of Auditor-General's Reports tabled between August 2007 and August 2008

22 June 2009

© Commonwealth of Australia 2009
ISBN 978‐0‐642‐79182‐5 (Printed version)
ISBN 978‐0‐642‐79183‐2 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1178KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary Pages (PDF 135KB)

Membership of the Committee
Membership of the Sectional Committee
Committee Secretariat
List of abbreviations
List of recommendations

Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 70KB)

Background to the review
The Committee’s report

Chapter 2 Whole of Government Indigenous Service Delivery Arrangements (PDF 159KB)

Audit Report No. 10 2007-2008
The approach adopted in the Indigenous Affairs Arrangements (IAAs)
Funding of the IAAs
Mainstream expenditure
Indigenous-specific expenditure
Australian Government Indigenous Expenditure
The Audit
Audit conclusion
Implementation of the IAAs and the role of a lead agency
Whole of government governance and accountability arrangements
Collaborative efforts to support effective service delivery including the development of joint funding agreements
Programs responding flexibly to Indigenous need
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Structural changes since the audit report
Risk management and lessons learned
Operating in a whole of government context
Operating with a lead agency
Target setting, monitoring and performance management

Chapter 3 Regional Delivery Model for the National Heritage Trust and the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality (PDF 178KB)

Audit Report No. 21 2007-2008
Natural resource management programs
The regional delivery model
The Audit
Overall conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Bilateral relationships with States and Territories
Lessons learned from previous NRM programs
Monitoring and evaluation
The regional delivery model

Chapter 4 Preparation of the Tax Expenditures Statement (PDF 184KB)

Audit Report No. 32 2007-2008
Reporting on tax expenditures
The Audit
Audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review

Chapter 5 Management of Customer Debt – Follow-up Audit (PDF 137KB)

Audit Report No. 42 2007-2008
The Audit
Audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Actions taken since the initial audit
The debt base
Cost effectiveness of debt recovery
Debt prevention
Aged pension debts

Chapter 6 Regulation of Commercial Broadcasting (PDF 149KB)

Audit Report No. 46 2007-2008
Co-regulatory approach
Challenges facing ACMA
The Audit
Audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
The complaints process
Internal ACMA resources for complaint handling
Performance measurement and reporting
Broadcaster compliance with licence conditions
Australian music content on commercial radio
Measuring community standards

Appendix A – Conduct of the Committee’s review (PDF 73KB)
Appendix B – List of Submissions (PDF 35KB)
Appendix C – Witnesses Appearing at Public Hearings (PDF 58KB)
