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Report 106: Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

17 September 2009

© Commonwealth of Australia 2009
ISBN 978-0-642-79216-7 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79217-4 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 2760KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

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Preliminary Pages (PDF 154KB)

Membership of the Committee
Committee Secretariat
Terms of reference
List of abbreviations
List of recommendations
 Inquiry process
Conduct of the inquiry
Context of the inquiry
Structure of the report

Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 182KB)

Australian contributions
The Canberra Commission
Australian objectives
International objectives
Challenges to the non-proliferation and disarmament regime
Geo-political issues
Non-state actors
An expansion of nuclear facilities
Nuclear doctrine
Extended nuclear deterrence

Chapter 2 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (PDF 231KB)

The Treaty
Verification regime
Importance of the CTBT
Importance of US ratification of the CTBT
Barriers to US ratification
Towards entry into force of the CTBT

Chapter 3 Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty (PDF 153KB)

What are fissile materials?
History of the Treaty
Objective of the Treaty
Importance of the Treaty
Issues to be addressed
Scope of the Treaty
Pre-existing stocks

Chapter 4 The NPT and IAEA safeguards (PDF 236KB)

Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
Challenges to the NPT
Perceived lack of progress on disarmament
A double standard
Not universal
The International Atomic Energy Agency
Conflict between preventing proliferation and promoting peaceful uses
Safeguards and the Additional Protocol
The Additional Protocol as a condition of uranium supply
IAEA resources

Chapter 5 Fuel cycle multilateralisation (PDF 315KB)

Proliferation implications of the global expansion of nuclear power
Proliferation-sensitive nuclear technologies
Uranium enrichment
Plutonium separation (reprocessing of used fuel)
Proposals to limit the spread of sensitive technologies
Sensitive technology export controls — the role of the Nuclear Suppliers Group
The rationale for fuel cycle multilateralisation
The historical context to multilateral proposals
The Twelve Proposals
Support for fuel cycle multilateralisation proposals
Issues and challenges for multilateralisation proposals

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons Convention (PDF 134KB)

Benefits of a Nuclear Weapons Convention
Opportunities for the negotiation of a Nuclear Weapons Convention in the short term
Barriers to the negotiation of a Nuclear Weapons Convention
Towards the negotiation of a Nuclear Weapons Convention

Chapter 7 Other treaties (PDF 186KB)

Nuclear arms control agreements between the United States and Russia
Success of nuclear disarmament agreements between the US and Russia
Deterioration of US-Russian cooperation
Importance of new agreement between the US and Russia
Nuclear weapon free zones
Benefits of NWFZs
Strengthening existing NWFZ
Utilising existing NWFZ
A Middle East Nuclear Weapon Free Zone

Chapter 8 Iran and North Korea (PDF 164KB)

History of Iran’s nuclear program
Iran as an example of the limitations of the current non-proliferation regime
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea)
Reasons for North Korea’s actions
Implications of North Korea’s nuclear program

Chapter 9 The Conference on Disarmament (PDF 93KB)

Work program

Chapter 10 International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PDF 94KB)

Australia’s diplomatic capacities

Chapter 11 2010 NPT Review Conference (PDF 162KB)

Previous NPT Review Conferences
2010 NPT Review Conference
Issues for the 2010 NPT Review Conference
Additional Protocol
13 Practical Steps
Middle East Nuclear Weapon Free Zone
The involvement of parliamentarians in the 2010 NPT Review Conference

Chapter 12 The role of Parliamentarians (PDF 132KB)

The global challenge for parliamentarians
Engaging parliamentarians
Australian parliamentary delegations
Regional involvement
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
Support for the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament
Engaging civil society
Parliamentary resolutions and other declarations

Appendix A — Submissions (PDF 56KB)
Appendix B — Exhibits (PDF 87KB)
Appendix C — Witnesses (PDF 52KB)
Appendix D — Delegation program (PDF 88KB)
Appendix E — Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament Treaties (PDF 94KB)
Appendix F — Enrichment plants (PDF 60KB)
Appendix G — Reprocessing plants (PDF 57KB)
Appendix H — Current multilateralisation proposals (PDF 56KB)
