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House Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs

Exposure Draft of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005

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Submissions will be made available in due course. Submissions to this inquiry were received from the following individuals/organisations and copies of some of those submissions are available on this site or from the Committee Secretariat. Further submissions will be made available on this site as original paper copies are converted to electronic documents.

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No Received from
1 Mr Mark Millard (PDF 476KB)
2 Name withheld (PDF 240KB)
3 Name witheld (PDF 176KB)
4 name withheld (PDF 160KB)
5 Mr Paul Bennet (PDF 381B)
6 Confidential (PDF 322KB)
7 Catholic Womens' League Tas Inc (PDF 129KB)
8 National Abuse Free Contact Campaign (PDF 647KB)
9 Mr Ron Barker (PDF 322KB)
10 Richard Hillman Foundation (PDF 75KB)
11 Male Family Violence Prevention Association Inc (PDF 468KB)
12 Name witheld (PDF 410KB)
13 Name withheld (PDF 270KB)
14 Name withheld (PDF 235KB)
15 Women's Electoral Lobby Cairns (PDF 127KB)
16 SPARK Resource Centre Inc (PDF 660KB)
17 Family Mediation Centre (PDF 135KB)
18 Mr David Hudson (PDF 138KB)
19 Name withheld (PDF 422KB)
20 National Council of Single Mothers and their Children Inc (PDF 913KB)
20.1 National Council of Single Mothers and their Children Inc (PDF 86KB)
21 National Coalition of Mothers Against Child Abuse (PDF 426KB)
22 NSW Women's Refuge Resource Centre (PDF 1,23K4B)
23 National Network of Women's Legal Services (PDF 1,369KB)
23.1 National Network of Women's Legal Services (PDF 207KB)
24 National Legal Aid (PDF 342KB)
25 Dr Lesley Laing (PDF 163KB)
26 Country Women's Association of New South Wales (PDF 275KB)
27 Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Center (PDF 224B)
28 Law Society of South Australia (PDF 49KB)
29 Professor Belinda Fehlberg (PDF 922KB)
30 Queensland Law Society (PDF 379KB)
31 Federation of Community Legal Centres (Vic) Inc (PDF 387KB)
32 Ms Melissa Ballantyne (PDF 99KB)
33 Family Law Council (PDF 3,631KB)
33.1 Family Law Council (PDF 1081KB)
34 Name witheld (PDF 476KB)
35 Women's House Shelta (PDF 314KB)
36 South Australian Council of Community Legal Services Inc (PDF 145KB)
37 Relationships Australia (PDF 474KB)
37.1 Relationships Australia (PDF 227KB)
38 Sole Parents' Union (PDF 1,057KB)
39 Centre for Child & Family Development (PDF 123KB)
40 Men's Confraternity (PDF 586KB)
41 Dads in Distress (PDF 76KB)
42 Ms Rachael Field (PDF 69KB)
43 Manly-Warringah Women's Resource Centre Ltd (PDF 435KB)
44 Name Withheld (PDF 416KB)
45 Catholic Welfare Australia (PDF 216KB)
45.1 Catholic Welfare Australia (PDF 216KB)
46 Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department (PDF 1,438KB)
46.1 Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department (PDF 6,960KB)
46.2 Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department (PDF 246KB)
46.3 Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department (PDF 246KB)
47 Law Council of Australia (PDF 719KB)
47.1 Law Council of Australia (PDF 298KB)
48 Lone Fathers Association (Australia) (PDF 341KB)
48.1 Lone Fathers Association (Australia) (PDF 341KB)
49 Law Society of the Northern Territory (PDF 55KB)
50 Name Withheld (PDF 476KB)
51 Department of the Premier and Cabinet (WA) (PDF 153KB)
52 Families Australia (PDF 140KB)
53 Family Court of Australia (PDF 3,5193KB)
53.1 Family Court of Australia (PDF 3,5193KB)
54 Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia Inc. (PDF 613KB)
55 Mr Simon Hunt (PDF 301KB)
56 NSW Young Lawyers (PDF 269KB)
57 Name Withheld (PDF 476KB)
58 Mr John W Gaal and Mr Philip B McNaughton (The Brethren) (PDF 374KB)
59 Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services (PDF 2,933KB)
60 National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (PDF 317KB)
61 Women's Legal Service of South Australia Inc. (PDF 940KB)
62 Far North Fathers (PDF 549KB)
62.1 Far North Fathers (PDF 55KB)
63 National Association of Community Legal Centres (PDF 42KB)
64 Australian Children's Contact Services Association (PDF 161KB)
65 Albury-Wodonga Community Legal Service (PDF 241KB)
66 Mrs Rona Joyner (PDF 652KB)
67 National Network of Indigenous Women's Legal Services Inc. (PDF 824KB)
68 Name Withheld (PDF 367KB)
68.1 Name Withheld (PDF 276KB)
69 Festival of Light (PDF 566KB)
70 Shared Parenting Council of Australia (PDF 485KB)
70.1 Confidential (PDF 476KB)
71 Non Custodial Parents Party (PDF 160KB)
72 The OzyDads Network (PDF 338KB)
73 Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Ltd. (PDF 571KB)
74 Men's Rights Agency (PDF 652KB)
75 Confidential (PDF 476KB)
76 Lone Father Association (NT) (PDF 3,697KB)
77 Fatherhood Foundation (PDF 370KB)
78 Family Services Australia (PDF 359KB)
79 Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre (PDF 176KB)
80 Dads on the Air (PDF 391KB)
81 Law Society of NSW (PDF 622KB)
82 Women's Legal Services NSW (PDF 651KB)
83 Mr Roger Debois (Planetary Alliance for Fathers in Exile) (PDF 507KB)
84 NSW Commission for Chidren and Young People (PDF 376KB)
85 Women's Legal Service Brisbane (PDF 716KB)
85.1 Confidential (PDF 476KB)
86 Confidential (PDF 476KB)
87 Attorney General New South Wales (PDF 92KB)
88 Zoe Rathus (PDF 252KB)
