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House Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

The long road to statehood Report of the inquiry into the federal implications of statehood for the Northern Territory

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Appendix C– List of exhibits

Exhibit no.



‘The Kalkaringi Statement’, as printed in the Australian Indigenous Law Reporter, provided by the Hon Warren Snowdon MP


Alice Springs New s, Vol. 13, Issue 45, 9 November 2006’, provided by Mr Bernie Kilgariff


They Started Something: A Biography of Bern and Aileen Kilgariff , provided by Mr Bernie Kilgariff


‘Presentation to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs’ provided by Ms Shirley McPherson


‘Indigenous Constitutional Strategy Northern Territory’, provided by Ms Jayne Weepers


‘The Kalkaringi Statement’, provided by Ms Jayne Weepers


‘Statehood entities and relationships – November 2006’, presented by Ms Sue Bradley (relates to Submission No. 1)


‘It’s your place to talk about statehood’, provided by the Northern Territory Statehood Steering Committee (relates to Submission No. 1)


‘Indigenous Expenditure Review September 2006’ provided by Ms Jennifer Prince


‘ACTU Congress 2006 Industrial Relations Legislation Policy’ provided by Mr Joe Gallagher


‘Agenda for Action: A whole of government approach to Indigenous affairs in the Northern Territory’, provided by Mr Dennis Bree


‘Information Sheets on Uranium; Mineral Exploration; Value of Mining on Indigenous Land; and Mining Sector’, provided by the Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines


‘Map: Native Title Applications’, provided by Mr Graeme Neate (related to Submission No. 8)


‘What will change if the Territory becomes a State’ and ‘What will not change if the Territory becomes a State’, provided by Ms Margaret Vigants


‘Maps of Native Title Application and Determination Areas, Determinations of Native Title and a list of Indigenous Land Use Agreements’, provided by Mr Graeme Neate (related to Submission No. 8)


‘The Status of Indigenous Australians’ by M Anne Brown, provided by Professor Peter Jull (related to Submission No. 9)

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