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The long road to statehood Report of the inquiry into the federal implications of statehood for the Northern Territory

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Appendix D – Northern Territory Statehood seminar programme1




Alice Springs - 14 November 2006

Ellery Room

Alice Springs Convention Centre



Darwin - 15-16 November 2006

Strangers Lounge

Legislative Assembly

of the Northern Territory



Darwin format:

Each 90 minute session in Darwin to consist of:

Principal speakers

10 minutes per speaker

Questions from Committee members to the principal speakers

20-30 minutes

Comments from additional invited guests and public

20-30 minutes

Plus additional open discussion session at conclusion of each day

30-45 minutes

Tuesday 14 November 2006 Alice Springs

10:25am Welcome

The Hon Peter Slipper MP





Future status of Commonwealth land in the Northern Territory and Aboriginal land rights


( 10:30am – 11:10am )






( 11:10am – 11:30am )

  • The Hon Warren Snowdon MP (Member for Lingiari)
  • Mr Bernie Kilgariff (former NT Senator)
  • Mr John Liddle (Male Health Coordinator, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress) with
  • Dr Martin Mowbray (Congress Research and Policy Officer)


(Questions from the Committee )


( 11:30am – 12:00pm )

Group discussion

  • Members of the NT Statehood Steering Committee
  • Members of the NT Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


12:00pm Lunch


Session resumption


( 1:00pm – 1:40pm )

  • Ms Shirley McPherson (Chairperson, Indigenous Land Corporation) with
  • Mr Paul Hayes (ILC Principal Legal Officer)
  • Ms Jayne Weepers (Policy Officer, Central Land Council)



( 1:40 – 2:00pm )


(Questions from the Committee )


( 2:00pm – 2:25pm )


Group discussion

  • Members of the NT Statehood Steering Committee
  • Members of the NT Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


2:25pm Open Public Discussion

2:45pm Conclusion of Alice Springs session

Wednesday 15 November 2006 - Darwin

8:30am Registration

9:00am Session One

Seminar Opening and Welcome

Principal Speakers

  • The Hon Peter Slipper MP - Welcome
  • The Hon Syd Stirling MLA (Minister for Statehood, NT Government)




9:30am Session Two

Recent Northern Territory Developments on statehood and proposals to advance statehood

Principal Speakers

  • Ms Barbara McCarthy MLA (Chair NT Statehood Steering Committee)
  • Mrs Sue Bradley (Co-chair NT Statehood Steering Committee)
  • The Hon Stephen Hatton ( Former Chief Minister , NT )
  • Mr Jamey Robertson (Secretary, Unions NT)
  • Senator Trish Crossin (NT Senator)


Other session participants

  • Representative of the NT Local Government Association
  • Members of the NT Statehood Steering Committee
  • Members of the NT Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


11:15am Morning Break

11:30am Session

Commonwealth constitutional matters and achieving statehood

Principal Speakers

  • The Hon Dean Mildren (Justice of the NT Supreme Court)
  • Mr Graham Nicholson (Legal adviser to NT Statehood Steering Committee)
  • Mr Tom Pauling QC (NT Solicitor-General)


Other session participants

  • Representative of the Constitutional Policy Unit, Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department
  • Representative of the NT Department of Justice
  • Members of the NT Statehood Steering Committee
  • Members of the NT Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


1:00pm Lunch

2:15pm Session Four

Representation of the new state in the Federal Parliament and future status of Commonwealth legislation currently applying to the Northern Territory


Principal Speakers

  • Mr David Tollner MP (Member for Solomon )
  • The Hon Austin Asche AC QC (Chair, NT Law Reform Committee


Other session participants

  • Representative of the Australian Electoral Commission
  • Representative of the NT Electoral Commission
  • Representative of the NT Department of Justice
  • Members of the NT Statehood Steering Committee
  • Members of the NT Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


3:30pm Afternoon break

4:00pmSession Five

Open Public Discussion

4: 45pm Conclusion of Day One of Darwin sessions

Thursday 16 November 2006 - Darwin

9:00am Session One

Future control of industrial relations and financial relations between a new state and the Commonwealth

Principal Speakers

Financial Relations:

  • Mr Alan Morris (Chairperson, Commonwealth Grants Commission)
  • Ms Jennifer Prince (Under Treasurer, NT Department of Treasury)

Industrial Relations:

  • Mr Justin Larkin (Employment Advocate of the Office of Commissioner for Public Employment)
  • Mr Chris Young (CEO, Chamber of Commerce NT)
  • Mr Joe Gallagher (President, Unions NT)


Other session participants

  • Representative of the Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
  • Representative of the NT Trades and Labour Council
  • Representative of NT Department of Business, Economic and Regional Development
  • Members of the NT Statehood Steering Committee
  • Members of the NT Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


10:45am Morning break

11:00am Session

Future Status of Commonwealth Land in the Northern Territory and Aboriginal land rights

Principal Speakers

  • Mr Kelvin Costello (Coordinator, Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation)
  • Mr John Daly (Chairman, Northern Land Council)
  • Mr Dennis Bree ( Deputy Chief Executive , NT Office of Indigenous Policy)
  • Mr Joe Procter (Managing Director, Indigenous Energy Pty Ltd)


Other session participants

  • Representative of the National Native Title Tribunal
  • Representative of the NT Local Government Association
  • Representative of the NT Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines
  • Members of the NT Statehood Steering Committee
  • Members of the NT Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


12:30pm Lunch

1:30pm Session

Mineral and uranium resource issues, and future ownership and management of Commonwealth National Parks and Marine Protected Areas

Principal Speakers

  • Ms Kezia Purick (Chief Executive, NT Minerals Council)
  • Mr Graeme Neate (President, National Native Title Tribunal)


Other session participants

  • Representative of the Northern Land Council
  • Representatives of the NT Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts
  • Representatives of the NT Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines
  • Representative of the Environment Centre of the NT
  • Members of the NT Statehood Steering Committee
  • Members of the NT Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


3:00pm Afternoon Break

3:30pm Session Four

Open Public Discussion

4:15pm Concluding

The Hon Peter Slipper MP

4:30pm Seminar Close


1 This version of the programme reflects the structure of the seminar and those who attended, but not the order of speakers. Back

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