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Chapter 1 Introduction -  

[1]       The Act, Part III, Section 18 (8). Exemptions from this requirement are provided for work of an urgent nature, defence work contrary to the public interest, repetitive work, and work by prescribed authorities listed in the Regulations.

[2]       The Act, Section 5.

[3]       The Act, Section 17.

[4]       See

[5]       Senator the Hon. Chris Evans, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, ‘New directions in detention’, speech delivered at the Australian National University, 29 July 2008.

[6]       Submission 1, Joint: Department of Finance and Deregulation and Department of Immigration and Citizenship, p. 4.

[7]       <>

Chapter 2 Proposed Works

[1]       Currently known as Villawood Immigration Detention Centre (VIDC), the Centre is being renamed as Villawood Immigration Detention Facility (VIDF) as part of the proposed redevelopment. For consistency and familiarity, the term VIDC is used throughout this report.

[2]       Submission 1, Joint: DOFD/DIAC, p. 7

[3]       Submission 1, Joint: Department of Finance and Deregulation and Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Joint: DOFD/DIAC), p. 3.

[4]       Submission 1, Joint: DOFD/DIAC, p. 7.

[5]       Australian Human Rights Commission, 2008 immigration detention report: summary of observations following visits to Australia’s’ immigration detention facilities. Available at
<> accessed 7 October 2009.

[6]       Submission 1, Joint: DOFD/DIAC, pp. 24-25.

[7]       J. Sobski, Submission 6, Villawood Immigration Detention Centre redevelopment, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works, February 2006.

[8]       Submission 1, Joint: DOFD/DIAC, p. 8.

[9]       Mr B. Correll, Assistant Secretary, DIAC.

[10]     Parliament of Australia, Joint Standing Committee on Migration, August 2009.  Immigration Detention in Australia: Facilities, services and transparency. pp. 22-28

[11]     Submission 1, Joint: DOFD/DIAC. p. 7.

[12]     Submission 1, Joint: DOFD/DIAC, p. 25.

[13]     Mr B. Correll, Assistant Secretary, DIAC, Transcript of Evidence, 22 September 2009, p. 8.

[14]     Ms J. Wilson, First Assistant Secretary, DIAC, Transcript of Evidence, 22 September 2009, p. 7.

[15]     Australian National Audit Office, Report 54, 2003/2004: Management of the Detention Centre Contracts.

[16]     Standards Australia Limited, What is a Standard? <> accessed 8 September 2009.

[17]     DIAC, October 2007, Standards for design and fitout of immigration detention facilities. Canberra. p. 21. (DIAC Standards)

[18]     DIAC Standards, Appendix 2.

[19]     DIAC Standards, Appendix 1.

[20]     DIAC Standards, Part B, 14.2.

[21]     DIAC Standards, Appendix 2.

[22]     Correspondence received from the Human Rights Commission, 29 September 2009.

[23]     Ms J. Wilson, First Assistant Secretary, Community and Detention Services Division, DIAC, correspondence received 22 October 2009.

[24]     Ms J. Wilson, First Assistant Secretary, DIAC, Transcript of Evidence, 22 September 2009,  p. 11

[25]     Mr B. Correll, Assistant Secretary, DIAC, Transcript of Evidence, 22 September 2009, p. 12.

[26]     Submission 4, Little Company of Mary.

[27]     Ms J. Wilson, First Assistant Secretary, DIAC, Transcript of Evidence, 22 September 2009 p. 22.

[28]     Mr G. Anderson, Assistant Secretary, Project Delivery Branch, DOFD, Transcript of Evidence,
22 September 2009, p. 22.

[29]     Submission 4, Little Company of Mary.

[30]     Submission 1, Joint: DOFD/DIAC, p. 19.
