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Standing Committee on Science and Innovation

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into Business Commitment to Research and Development in Australia

On Monday 23 June 2003, the Science and Innovation Committee tabled its report on the Inquiry into Business Commitment to Research and Development in Australia

A copy of the entire report and the individual chapters are provided in PDF.

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Riding the Innovation Wave: The Case for Increasing Business Investment in R&D

Contents (PDF 117KB)
Chapter 1 (PDF 16KB) Introduction
Chapter 2 (PDF 86KB) International comparisons of public and private expenditure on R&D
Chapter 3 (PDF 120B) Commonwealth government support for R&D
Chapter 4 (PDF 37KB) Business investment in R&D
Chapter 5 (PDF 54KB) The needs of fast-growing companies and R&D drivers in SMEs
Chapter 6 (PDF 44KB) Considerations by which major international corporations site their R&D investment
Chapter 7 (PDF 42KB) Economic benefit for Australia of a greater private sector investment in R&D
Chapter 8 (PDF 183KB) Impediments to higher business investment in R&D
Chapter 9 (PDF 117KB) Steps that might be taken by the Commonwealth government in order to better demonstrate to business the benefits of higher private sector investment in R&D
Chapter 10 (PDF 197KB) Steps that might be taken by the Commonwealth government in relation to specific R&D programs, in order to better demonstrate to business the benefits of higher private sector investment in R&D
Appendix A (PDF 19KB) Lists of Submissions
Appendix B (PDF 22KB) Lists of Exhibits
Appendix C (PDF 42kB) Public hearings & witnesses

Click here for a consolidated copy of the report (PDF 1,038KB).


Last reviewed 21 February, 2011 by Committee Secretariat
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