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Appendix A – Submissions and Exhibits


1            ALP Abroad

2            Mr Don Morris

3            Mr Warwick Young

4            Mr Phil Robins

5            Mr Paul McMahon

6            Ms Peggy Syphers

7            Mr Peter Milton

8            Mr Derek McIntosh

9            Mr Bill Helem

10          Mr Jason Toppin

11          Mr G H Schorel-Hlavaka

11.1       Mr G H Schorel-Hlavaka

12          Guide Dogs WA

12.1       Guide Dogs WA

13          Name Withheld

14          Dr Tim Morris

15          Ms Alia Papageorgiou

16          Mr Simon Vivian

17          Ms Ingrid Folger

18          Mr Peter Brun

19          Mr Peter Higgins

20          Ms Gail Gottwald

21          Ms Ella Hurrell

22          Mr Henry Karnilowicz

23          Ms Fiona Jackson

24          Mr Peter Morris

25          Ms Nicole Roberts

26          Mr John Roberts

27          Mr Rowan Ramsey MP, Member for Grey

28          Mr Francis Pauler

29          Mr Greg Secomb

30          Ms Emily Carr

31          Mr John Meeves

32          Mr Martin Gordon

33          Mr Jim Burns

34          Homelessness Australia

35          Mr Duncan Sinclair

36          Mr Robert Rutherford

37          Mr Bruce Clarke

38          Mr Jon Brady

39          Ms Geraldine Norris

40          Mr Robert Fleming

41          Ms Rhonda Kaan

42          Name Withheld

43          Mr David Sheppard

44          Ms Jennifer Hodder

45          Democratic Audit of Australia

46          Mr Michael Doyle

47          Mr Phillip Jack

48          Mr Christopher Jones

49          Mr Stephen McDonald

50          Mr Mervyn Murchie

51          Mr Anthony van der Craats

51.1       Mr Anthony van der Craats

51.2       Mr Anthony van der Craats

52          Mr Harry Mitchell

53          Mr Paul Kent

54          Eurobodalla Greens

55          Mr David Hart

56          Australian Democrats

57          Hon Peter Lindsay MP, Member for Herbert

58          Australian Privacy Foundation

59          Mr Adrian Streather

60          Ms Catherine King MP, Member for Ballarat

61          Government of Western Australia

62          Mr Antony Green

62.1       Mr Antony Green

63          Mr Robert Johnston

64          The Greens NSW

65          Mr Chris Stewart

66          Mr Darrell Main

67          Festival of Light Australia

68          People with Disability Australia

68.1       People with Disability Australia

69          Dr Robert Jones

70          The Global Data Company Pty Ltd

70.1       Confidential

71          Mr Gregory Horne

72          Ms Jennifer Tursi

73          Royal Society for the Blind of South Australia

74          Ms Suzanne Morony

75          Mr Stephen Blackney

76          Mr Sean Tyrell

77          Dr Sally Young

78          Mr Robert Altamore

79          Mr Peter Brent

80          Mr Bertil Nilsson

81          Blind Citizens Australia

82          Mr Kevin Murphy

83          FCS Online

84          Mr Bruce Kirkpatrick

85          Mr Rupert Kilcullen

86          Uniting Justice Australia, Uniting Church of Australia

86.1       Uniting Justice Australia, Uniting Church of Australia

87          Dr Kathy Edwards

88          Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

89          Ms Laura Coad

90          Mr Adrienne Farrelly

91          Ms Margaret Weirick

92          Ms Janet Magnin

93          Ms Dianne Reidlinger

94          Electoral Reform Society of South Australia

95          Mr Eric Jones

96          Mr Geoffrey Powell

97          Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

98          Mr Lex Stewart

99          Confidential

100        Ms Merran Loewenthal

101        Mr Michael Young

102        Mr Peter McCombe

103        Public Interest Advocacy Centre

104        Australian Finance Conference

105        Mr Stefan Slucki

106        Mr William Bowe

106.1     Mr William Bowe

107        Mr Matthew Chan

108        Mr George Archbold

109        Hanover Welfare Services

110        Mr Ed Smith

111        Mrs Carol Evans

112        Mr Ivan Freys

113        Ms Patricia Stillman

114        Mr Greg Madson

115        Ms Patricia Sippel

116        Computing Research & Education Association of Australasia

116.1     Computing Research & Education Association of Australasia

116.2     Computing Research & Education Association of Australasia

117        Ms Anita Steinberg

118        Ms Joanne Connor

119        Mr Robert Lawton

120        Mr Eoin Lauchlann-Griffin

121        Mr Norman Bonello

122        Mr John Wulff

123        Mr Ryan Heath

124        Ms Leanda Lee

125        Mr David Hitchins

126        Mr Don Willis

127        Mr Kok Cheng Tan

128        Ms Celeste Hawes

129        Ms Lynette Eyb

130        Mr Carlton Lane

131        Homelessness NSW

132        Mr Mark Dreyfus QC MP, Member for Isaacs

132.1     Mr Mark Dreyfus QC MP, Member for Isaacs

133        Dr Joo-Cheong Tham

133.1     Dr Joo-Cheong Tham

134        Mr Colin Hughes

135        PILCH Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic

135.1     PILCH Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic  

136        Mr Sean Burke

137        Council for the National Interest WA

138        Software Improvements Pty Ltd

139        Mr Nick Xenophon, Senator-Elect for South Australia

140        Mr Barry Chapman

141        Liberty & Democracy Party

142        Vision Australia

143        Mr Peter Evans

144        Hon Gary Gray AO MP, Member for Brand

145        The Nationals

146        Mrs Esther Mace

147        Mr Barry Downs

148        Ms Julie Weller

149        Mr Max Bradley

150        Ms Kathy Fela

151        Mr Eric Brown

152        Ms Lara Cummings

153        Ms Anne Witham-Ellis

154        Ms Marian Jones

155        GetUp!

156        Liberal Party of Australia

157        Ms Alison Hogg

158        Southern Cross Group

159        Labor National Secretariat

160        Registries Limited and Everyone Counts Inc

160.1     Registries Limited and Everyone Counts Inc

161        New South Wales Government

162        Hon Warren Snowden MP, Member for Lingiari

163        Ms Parisa Mazari

165        Urban Taskforce Australia

166        Mrs Coral Arnold

167        Mr Gary Miller

168        FCS Online

169        Australian Electoral Commission

169.1     Australian Electoral Commission

169.2     Australian Electoral Commission

169.3     Australian Electoral Commission

169.4     Australian Electoral Commission

169.5     Australian Electoral Commission

169.6     Australian Electoral Commission

169.7     Australian Electoral Commission

169.8     Australian Electoral Commission

169.9     Australian Electoral Commission

169.10   Australian Electoral Commission

169.11   Australian Electoral Commission

169.12   Australian Electoral Commission

169.13   Confidential

169.14   Australian Electoral Commission

169.15   Australian Electoral Commission

169.16   Australian Electoral Commission

169.17   Australian Electoral Commission

169.18   Australian Electoral Commission

169.19   Australian Electoral Commission

169.20   Australian Electoral Commission

169.21   Australian Electoral Commission

170        Ms Louise McManus

171        Mr Chris Harries

172        Mr Paul Myers

173        Mr Stephen L Hart

174        Mr Michael Bayles

175        Mr Eric Lockett

176        Mr Rob W Myers

177        Mrs Sonja Doyle

178        Action on Smoking and Health

179        Hon Fran Bailey MP, Member for McEwen

180        Ms Lenore Johnstone

181        Mr Roland Wen

182        NSW Young Labor

183        Cobar Shire Council

184        Mr Tim Leeder

184.1     Mr Tim Leeder

184.2     Mr Tim Leeder

185        Shopping Centre Council of Australia Limited

186        Mr Stephen Paul

187        Associate Professor Graeme Orr

188        Mr Anthony van der Craats

188.1     Mr Anthony van der Craats

188.2     Mr Anthony van der Craats

189        Mr Laurie Parker & Ms Helen Parker

190        Department of Defence

191        The Cancer Council Victoria

192        Australia Post

193        Mr Ron Joachim

194        Dr Klaas Woldring

195        Name Withheld

196        Ms Marrette Corby

197        Mr John Redgment

198        Mr Roger Deshon


1.           2007-Line up in Banks on voting day, provided by Mr Daryl Melham MP, 27 June 2008.


2.           National Roy Morgan Survey, provided by GetUp!, 23 July 2008 (related to submission 155)


3.           Rural and regional mail paths, provided by Australia Post, 1 September 2008 (related to submission 192)


4.           Review of Ballot-Paper Formality Guidelines and Recount Policy; prepared by Alan Henderson, AEC 08/1045, provided by Australian Electoral Commission, 10 March 2009 (related to submission 169)


5            AEC enrolment form, provided by Democratic Audit of Australia, 22 September 2008 (related to submission 45)


6            Canada enrolment form (in French), provided by Democratic Audit of Australia, 22 September 2008 (related to submission 45)


7            NZ enrolment form, provided by Democratic Audit of Australia, 22 September 2008 (related to submission 45)


8            Access delayed is access denied: Electronic reporting of campaign finance activity’ Holman C, Stern R, Public Integrity, Winter 2000, provided by Democratic Audit of Australia, 22 September 2008 (related to submission 45)


9            National Interest on ABC Radio National, transcript, 11 April 2008, provided by Democratic Audit of Australia, 22 September 2008 (related to submission 45)


10          Table 2-1 Data sources used by the AEC in 2004-05, provided by Democratic Audit of Australia, 22 September 2008 (related to submission 45)


11.         Electronically Assisted Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Electors who are Blind or have Low Vision, provided by Australian Electoral Commission, 22 June 2008 (related to submission 169)


12.         Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force personnel, provided by Australian Electoral Commission, 22 June 2008 (related to submission 169)


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