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Report on the Committee’s Visit to New Zealand - Official Visit Program

[1]       Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Ultra Fast Broadband Initiative, Government Policy Statement, Extract from New Zealand Gazette, 13 October 2011, No. 155, p. 4440,  <>

[2]       Crown Fibre Holdings, Ultra Fast Broadband Update: Briefing to Australian National Broadband Network Committee, 25 September 2012, p. 3.

[3]       Both initiatives include a combination of fibre-to-the-premise and fibre-to-the-node as well as wireless connections.

[4]       Fibre-to-the-home and fibre-to-the-premise are interchangeable terms where fibre is deployed directly to each premise or home.

[5]       Fibre-to-the-node allows for fibre to be deployed to centrally located cabinets off which premises may then be connected.

[6]       Public Private Partnerships are ‘long-term contracts for the delivery of a service, where the provision of the service requires the construction of a facility or asset, or the enhancement of an existing facility. The private sector partner finances and builds the facility, operates it to provide the service and usually transfers control of it to the public sector at the end of the contract.’ The Treasury, Guidance for Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in New Zealand, October 2009, p. 1. Governments tend to favour public private partnerships to assist in funding large scale projects and mitigate associated short term project risks.

[7]       Crown Fibre Holdings was formed as a ‘Crown-Owned company’ under the Companies Act 1993. It is listed on the fourth schedule of the Public Finance Act 1989 and so is subject to the Crown Entities Act 2004 requirements to prepare a statement of intent and an annual report.

[8]       Crown Fibre Holding’s function is to ensure the implementation of the Government’s UFB policy: by managing contracts, monitoring of crown investments, and supporting Government policy objectives. Crown Fibre Holdings, Ultra Fast Broadband Update: Briefing to Australian National Broadband Network Committee, 25 September 2012, p. 5.

[9]       Chorus Limited was the network arm of Telecom New Zealand prior to the structural separation of Telecom New Zealand in December 2011

[10]     Crown Fibre Holdings, Crown Partners, <>.

[11]     Telecom New Zealand was the largest telecommunications provider in New Zealand

[12]     Crown Fibre Holdings, <>.

[13]     Crown Fibre Holdings, Where and When is UFB being delivered?, <>.

[14]     Crown Fibre Holdings, Where and When is UFB being delivered?, <>.

[15]     Crown Fibre Holdings, Ultra Fast Broadband Update: Briefing to Australian National Broadband Network Committee, 25 September 2012, p. 16.

[16]     Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Stakeholder Engagement on the RBI Rollout, <>.

[17]     Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Stakeholder Engagement on the RBI Rollout, <>.

[18]     Structural separation ‘demands management of network assets through a corporate entity that is distinct from the company that provides retail service. It implies greater complexity, costs and challenges to the coordination of network investment than functional separation which generally marked by ... the creation of divisions and ‘the need for Chinese Walls between network provision and the retailing of services within one company.’ Morgan K, 2008, The European Debate About Structural Separation: Possible Implications for Australia, Telecommunications Journal of Australia, Vol 58, No. 1, Monash University Press.

[19]     Telecom NZ proposed its structural separation ‘to satisfy a government requirement that its partners in a NZ$1.35 billion broadband project could not also sell telecommunications services.’ Withers, T, 2011, Telecom NZ Shareholders Approve Demerger of Chorus Unit, Bloomberg, 26 October.

[20]     Telecom NZ, Stock Exchange Announcement, Telecom to Demerge Chorus, 31 August 2011.

[21]     Under the demerger of Telecom New Zealand shareholders received one share in Chorus Limited for every five shares of Telecom NZ held. Telecom NZ, Demerger Presentation, September 2011, p. 9.

[22]     Under the public private partnership arrangement, Telecom NZ is responsible for delivering fast internet in 24 of the 33 fibre selected regions including Wellington and Auckland  which accounts for 70 per cent of New Zealand, covering 830 900 premises. Telecom NZ, Demerger Presentation, September 2011, p. 7.

[23]     Telecom NZ, Demerger Presentation, September 2011, p. 7.

[24]     Withers, T, 2011, Telecom NZ Shareholders Approve Demerger of Chorus Unit, Bloomberg, 26 October.

[25]     Telecom NZ, Demerger Presentation, September 2011, pp 11 and 19 and Telecom NZ, Stock Exchange Announcement, Telecom to Demerge Chorus, 31 August 2011, p. 2.

[26]     Crown Fibre Holdings, Ultra Fast Broadband Update: Briefing to Australian National Broadband Network Committee, 25 September 2012, p. 5.

[27]     Crown Fibre Holdings, Ultra Fast Broadband Update: Briefing to Australian National Broadband Network Committee, 25 September 2012, p. 5.

Chapter 1 Introduction

[1]       The NBN Co Corporate Plan 2012-2015 released on 8 August 2012 replaces the NBN Co Corporate Plan 2011-2013 released 20 December 2010.

[2]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, p. 10.

[3]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, p. 12.

[4]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, pp 12 and 13.

[5]       ACCC, 2012, ACCC Receives New NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 28 September.

[6]       The Shareholder Ministers are Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Finance and Deregulation.

[7]       These are the committee’s First, Second and Third Reports.

[8]       Correspondence from the DBCDE dated and received 13 November 2012.

Chapter 2 Performance Reporting

[1]       Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 3.

[2]       Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 36.

[3]       NBN Co, Submission 7.10, Answer to Question on Notice No. 6.

[4]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, p. 36.

[5]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, p. 36.

[6]       Mr Mike Quigley, CEO, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 19.

[7]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, p. 35.

[8]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, p. 35.

[9]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, p. 2.

[10]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 24.

[11]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, pp 47-48.

[12]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2011-2013, December 2010, Exhibit 1.1, p. 15.

[13]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, December 2010, Exhibit 5-1, p. 36.

[14]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2011-13, December 2010, Exhibit 1.2, p. 15.

[15]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, Exhibit 5-2, p. 36.

[16]     These reasons are outlined in Chapter 1 of the report on page 1.

[17]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 23.

[18]     Mr Rod Sims, Chairman, ACCC, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 14 August 2012, p. 2.

[19]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, pp 22-23.

[20]     Construction commenced represents contract instructions have been issued together with the initial Network Design Document so that construction partners can commence work on the detailed design, field instructions and rodding/roping activities in a Fibre Serving Area Module (FSAM). This is followed by the release of a rollout map for the FSAM on the NBN Co website showing the coverage areas for that FSAM and the estimated number of premises to be passed/covered. Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012, Submission 13, p. 5.

[21]     The NBN Co targets for premises or lots passed/covered are rounded to the nearest thousand. NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, p. 36.

[22]     The NBN Co targets for premises activated are rounded to the nearest thousand where number of premises or lots exceeds 1000. NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, p. 36.

[23]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, August 2012, Exhibit 5-3, p. 37.

[24]     NBN Co, 2013, 34 500 Australian homes and businesses now using the NBN, media release, 29 January.

[25]     Mr Robin Payne, Chief Financial Officer, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra 30 October 2012, p. 24.

[26]     DBCDE, Submission 14, answer to question on notice No. 88.

[27]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2011-2012, p. 101.

[28]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2011-2012, p. 101.

[29]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2011-2012, p. 101.

[30]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 31.

[31]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2011-2012, p. 58.

[32]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2011-2012, p. 18 and Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 27.

[33]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2010-2011, p. 10.

[34]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2011-2012, p. 18 and Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 27.

[35]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2010-2011, p. 10

[36]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2011-2012, p. 18 and Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 27.

[37]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2010-2011, p. 10.

[38]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2011-2012, p. 58 and Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012, Submission 13, p. 30.

[39]     NBN Co, Annual Report 2011-2012, p. 58.

[40]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 24.

[41]     NBN Co, Submission 7.12, Answer to Question on Notice No. 12.

[42]     Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network (JCNBN), August 2011, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: First Report, p. 22.

[43]     Correspondence from the DBCDE dated and received 13 November 2012.

[44]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 27.

Chapter 3 Regulatory and Pricing Issues

[1]       For an overview of the process and negotiations undertaken to arrive at the Telstra Agreement see JCNBN Second Report, Chapter 3, November 2011 and Third Report, Chapter 3, June 2012.

[2]       Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 7.

[3]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, 6 August 2012, p. 31; ACCC, <>

[4]       Mr Rod Sims, Chairman, ACCC, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 14 August 2012, p. 5.

[5]       Mr Sims, ACCC, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 14 August 2012, p. 3.

[6]       The SAU will cover key price and product aspects of access to NBN Co’s fibre, wireless and satellite networks as well as a number of non price terms and conditions over a 30-year period (until 2040) with a mid-term review, JCNBN, November 2011, Second Report, p. 51 and JCNBN, June 2012, Third Report, p. 47.

[7]       ACCC, 2012, ACCC Commences Public Consultation on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 20 December.

[8]       The ACCC considers the NBN Co SAU under the criteria set out in section 152CBD of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, ACCC, <>

[9]       This document contains ‘high level design principles for the proposed incentive based modular SAU’, NBN Co, NBN Co Corporate Plan 2012-2015, 6 August 2012, p. 31.

[10]     ACCC, 2012, ACCC Suspends Assessment of NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 20 June; Mr Sims, ACCC, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 14 August 2012, p. 11; NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, 6 August 2012, p. 31.

[11]     ACCC, 2012, NBN Co Withdraws Special Access Undertaking, media release, 11 September.

[12]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, 6 August 2012, p. 31.

[13]     On 12 November 2012, the ACCC released its first consultation paper on the revised NBN Co SAU, to be followed by a stakeholder forum in December. Submissions to the ACCC’s consultation were due by 11 January 2013. ACCC, 2012, ACCC commences first public consultation on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 12 November, p. 2.

[14]     ACCC, NBN Co Special Access Undertaking (December 2012),

[15]     ACCC, NBN Co Original Special Access Undertaking (December 2011),

[16]     ‘This timeframe is subject to its ability to extend this period and periods which are discounted from the assessment timeframe such as when the ACCC is consulting on the SAU, or NBN Co is responding to any Notice to vary, issued to it.’ ACCC, NBN Co Special Access Undertaking (December 2012),

[17]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, 6 August 2012, pp 31-32.

[18]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2011-2013, pp 106-107.

[19]     JCNBN, November 2011, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Second Report, p. 56.

[20]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 11.

[21]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 31.

[22]     ACCC, 2012, ACCC Suspends Assessment of NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 20 June, p. 2.

[23]     ACCC, 2012, ACCC commences first public consultation on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 12 November, p. 2.

[24]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 31.

[25]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 22.

[26]     ACCC, 2012, ACCC Suspends Assessment of NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 20 June, p. 2.

[27]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 31.

[28]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 22.

[29]     NBN Co, Submission 7.8, Answer to question on notice No. 19.

[30]     NBN Co, Submission 7.8, Answer to question on notice No. 19.

[31]     Connectivity Virtual Circuit ‘is an aggregation of the bandwidth allocated to the end user premises and the point of interconnect’ to the NBN. NBN Co Corporate Plan 2011-2013, pp 151-152.

[32]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 60.

[33]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 67.

[34]     Mr Mike Quigley, CEO, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, pp 23-24.

[35]     Mr Ed Willett, Commissioner, ACCC, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 14 August 2012, p. 11.

[36]     ACCC, 2012, ACCC commences first public consultation on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 12 November, p. 1.

[37]     ACCC, 2012, ACCC commences first public consultation on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 12 November, p. 1.

Chapter 4 Regional and Remote Issues

[1]       Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 28.

[2]       Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, pp 5–6.

[3]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 36.

[4]       Mr Mike Quigley CEO, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 18.

[5]       Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network, Third Report, p. 79.

[6]       Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network, Third Report, p. 80.

[7]       There are currently over 40 retail service providers making their services available across Australia. Shareholder Ministers’ Performance Report, Submission 13, p. 11.

[8]       Change Agent nb Pty Ltd, Submission 2; Regional Development Australia, Far West NSW, Submission 3.

[9]       Hon Wendy Duncan MLC, Submission 4.

[10]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 16.

[11]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 32.

[12]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 32.

[13]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co., Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 22.

[14]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice No. 45.

[15]     NBN Co, Submission 7.9, Answer to question on notice No 46.

[16]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–15, p. 20.

[17]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 39.

[18]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 57.

[19]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 12.

[20]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 39.

[21]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 11.

[22]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 7.

[23]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 14.

[24]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, pp 27–28.

[25]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 29.

[26]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 14.

[27]     NBN Co, NBN Co Corporate Plan 2012–2015, pp 20–1.

[28]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 11.

[29]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co., Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 19.

[30]     NBN Co, Submission 7.5, Answer to Question on Notice No. 72.

[31]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 14.

[32]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, pp 14–15.

[33]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 28.

[34]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 29.

[35]     NBN Co, Submission 7.9, Answer to question on notice 39.

[36]     NBN Co, 2012, NBN Co Selects Broken Hill as Satellite Centre, media release, 15 November.

[37]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, p. 28.

[38]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 33.

[39]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 39.

[40]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 13, pp 14–15.

[41]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 18.

[42]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co., Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 18.

[43]     NBN Co, Submission 7.8, Answer to Question on Notice No. 41.

[44]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 33.

[45]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 38.

[46]     NBN Co, Submission 7.5, Answer to Question on Notice No. 40.

[47]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012–2015, p. 68.

[48]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice No. 47.

[49]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice No. 48.

[50]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, pp 20 and 22.

[51]     NBN Co, Submission 7.5, Answer to Question on Notice No. 67.

[52]     NBN Co, Submission 7.5, Answer to Question on Notice No. 66.

[53]     NBN Co, Submission 7.5, Answer to Question on Notice No. 68.

Chapter 5 Additional Issues

[1]       Personal Emergency Response Services Association (PERSA), Submission 10, p. 1, and Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8, p. 2.

[2]       PERSA, Submission 10, p. 3, and Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8, p. 2.

[3]       PERSA, Submission 10, p. 1.

[4]       Mr Gary Morgan, Health Services Director, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 1.

[5]       Mr Morgan, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 1.

[6]       NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice Nos 26, 27, p. 2.

[7]       PERSA, Submission 10, p. 2.

[8]       Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8, p. 2.

[9]       PERSA, Submission 10, p. 2.

[10]     Mr Geoff Feakes, Chief Information Officer, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 2.

[11]     PERSA, Submission 10, p. 2.

[12]     Tunstall Healthcare also supported PERSA’s proposal to lengthen the telecommunications service contract cooling-off period—Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 2.

[13]     Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8, p. 3.

[14]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 2.

[15]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 2.

[16]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 3.

[17]     PERSA, Submission 10, p. 3. In terms of the battery supply, NBN Co explained that this is provided ‘at no cost to the end-user as part of a standard installation. If a customer requests a battery backup unit to be installed to support an existing NBN connection it is also proposed that this would be provided at no cost to the end user’, Submission 7.4, Answer to Question on Notice No. 33, p. 4.

[18]     Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8, p. 2.

[19]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 2, p. 3.

[20]     Ms Lisa Capamagian, Marketing and Strategy Implementation Manager, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 4.

[21]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 4, p. 5.

[22]     Mr Morgan, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 4.

[23]     The term ‘mains failure notification’ was used by Tunstall Healthcare to classify a signal received by the Tunstall monitoring centre due to a power outage—Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8.1, p. 1.

[24]     Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8.1, pp 1-2.

[25]     Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8.1, p. 2.

[26]     PERSA, Submission 10, p. 3.

[27]     Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8, p. 3.

[28]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 1.

[29]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 1.

[30]     NBN Co, Submission 7.5, Answer to Question on Notice No. 34, p. 3.

[31]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 32.

[32]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 32.

[33]     PERSA, Submission 10, p. 3.

[34]     NBN Co, Submission 7.4, Answer to question on notice No. 8.

[35]     Mr Ralph Steffens, Chief Operating Officer, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 8.

[36]     Mr Steffens, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 8.

[37]     Mr Steffens, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra,  30 October 2012, p. 8.

[38]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to question on notice No. 20.

[39]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to question on notice No. 20.

[40]     NBN Co, Submission 7.4, Answer to question on notice No. 8.

[41]     PERSA, Submission 10, p. 1.

[42]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice Nos 26, 27, p. 2.

[43]     Ms Capamagian, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 5.

[44]     Mr Morgan, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 1.

[45]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 3.

[46]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 2.

[47]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 3.

[48]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 3.

[49]     Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 2.

[50]     Ms Capamagian, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 5. Tunstall Healthcare also commented that they understood NBN Co were ‘working with the RSPs on who is responsible for the battery management, whether or not the end user or the RSPs, as in the Telstras, Optuses and SkyMeshes will have some role in that’— Mr Feakes, Tunstall Healthcare, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 9 October 2012, p. 2.

[51]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice No. 32, p. 6.

[52]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice Nos 26-27, p. 2.

[53]     NBN Co, Submission 7.8, Answer to Question on Notice No. 28, p. 6.

[54]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice Nos 26-27, p. 3.

[55]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice Nos 26-27, p. 3.

[56]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice Nos 26-27, p. 3.

[57]     PERSA, Submission 10, pp 2-3, and Tunstall Healthcare, Submission 8, p. 3.

[58]     NBN Co, Submission 7.6, Answer to Question on Notice Nos 26-27, p. 2; and Submission 7.8, Answer to Question on Notice No. 28, p. 6.

Chapter 6 Private Equity Engagement and Workforce Issues

[1]       Mr Peter Harris, Secretary, Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE), Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 10.

[2]       Mr Daryl Quinlivan, Deputy Secretary, DBCDE, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 11.

[3]       Mr Harris, DBCDE, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 10.

[4]       Mr Harris, DBCDE, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, pp 10 and 11.

[5]       Mr Harris, DBCDE, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 11.

[6]       Mr Harris, DBCDE, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 11.

[7]       Mr Harris, DBCDE, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 11.

[8]       Australian Government, Statement of Expectations, 20 December 2010—the Statement of Expectations provides an outline of the Government’s policy implementation objectives for the NBN.

[9]       DBCDE, Submission 10, Third Review of the JCNBN, p. 11.

[10]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 80.

[11]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2011-13, p. 141.

[12]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 71.

[13]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 80.

[14]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 16.

[15]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, pp 16 and 80.

[16]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 18.

[17]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 80.

[18]     Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network (JCNBN), Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. xxii.

[19]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 18.

[20]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 18.

[21]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Second Report, November 2011, p. 34.

[22]     NBN Co, 2011, NBN Co and Telstra Sign Binding Definitive Agreements, media release, 23 June.

[23]     Conroy S (Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy) and Wong P (Minister for Finance and Deregulation), 2012, Definitive Agreements between NBN Co and Telstra come into Force, media release, 7 March.

[24]     The DBCDE explained that it is ‘up to Telstra to put a case to the Commonwealth as to why an extension should be granted’, and that, under the RFD, ‘the Commonwealth will not unreasonably withhold or delay consent to a request for the term to be extended’—Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 52, p. 3.

[25]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, p. 1.

[26]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, p. 1.

[27]     DBCDE, Submission 10, Third Review of the JCNBN, pp 4-5.

[28]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, p. 3.

[29]     DBCDE, Submission 10, Third Review of the JCNBN, p. 5.

[30]     Ms Ros Eason, Senior National Industrial Research Officer, Communications Division (CWU), Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 3.

[31]     Mr Julian Clarke, Director, Workplace Relations and Policy, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 29.

[32]     Mr James Shaw, Director, Government Relations, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 33.

[33]     Mr Clarke, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 34.

[34]     Ms Eason, CWU, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 7.

[35]     Mr Daryl Quinlivan, Deputy Secretary, DBCDE, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 9.

[36]     Mr Clarke, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, pp 27-28.

[37]     Mr Shaw, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, pp 28 and 33.

[38]     Mr Shaw, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 32.

[39]     Mr Clarke, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 32.

[40]     Mr Shaw, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 33.

[41]     Mr Shaw, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 32.

[42]     Mr Shaw, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 30.

[43]     ‘Telstra’s “Project New” means big job cuts’, Australian, 22 August 2012, p. 19.

[44]     Mr Clarke, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 29.

[45]     Mr Shaw, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, pp 29-30.

[46]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, p. 3.

[47]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, p. 2.

[48]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, p. 2.

[49]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, p. 3.

[50]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 19.

[51]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, pp 2-4.

[52]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 53, p. 4.

[53]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, pp 2-3—with some figures (bracketed), as later corrected by Mr Shaw, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 26.

[54]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, p. 3.

[55]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 52, p. 2.

[56]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, pp 3-4.

[57]     Ms Eason, CWU, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 7.

[58]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, p. 3.

[59]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, p. 3.

[60]     Mr Clarke, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 27.

[61]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, pp 3-4. Beyond the first three years of the Training Plan, Telstra pointed out that these ‘targets are approximate’ and will be ‘confirmed or revised’ when the next Training Plan, covering the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2017, is submitted—Submission 12.1, p. 4.

[62]     CWU, Communications Electrical and Plumbing Union (CEPU), Submission 1, p. 2.

[63]     CWU, Submission 1, p. 2.

[64]     Ms Eason, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 4.

[65]     Ms Eason, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 5.

[66]     CWU, CEPU, Submission 1, p. 2.

[67]     Ms Eason, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 4, p. 5.

[68]     Ms Eason, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 5.

[69]     Mr Clarke, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 31.

[70]     Mr Clarke, Telstra Corporation, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 31.

[71]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, p. 4.

[72]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, p. 4.

[73]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, p. 4.

[74]     Ms Eason, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 8.

[75]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 55, p. 6.

[76]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 54, p. 5.

[77]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 54, p. 5.

[78]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. xxii.

[79]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 18, p. 24.

[80]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 52, p. 3.

[81]     CWU, Submission 1, p. 3.

[82]     Mr Dan Dwyer, Divisional Secretary, CWU, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 2.

[83]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 56, p. 7.

[84]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 56, p. 7.

[85]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 56, pp 7-8.

[86]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, pp 19-24.

[87]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, p. 1.

[88]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. xxii. The Government agreed that ‘information about the progress of the Telstra Retraining Funding Deed could be included in the annual statement outlining the direct and indirect employment benefits of the National Broadband Network’, provided as part of the Government response to the committee’s review reports, and therefore made publicly available—Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report on 30 June 2012, p. 18.

[89]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, p. 3.

[90]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, p. 3.

[91]     Ms Eason, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 26 June 2012, p. 5.

[92]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. xxii.

[93]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 24.

[94]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. xxii.

[95]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 56, p. 7.

Dissenting Report by Coalition Members and Senators

[1] NBN Co, (2013), “Answers to Questions on Notice, Public Hearing 30 October 2012”, Question 356

[2] Hansard, Committee Hearing, Tuesday October 13 2012, p 6

[3] Chrorus, (2012), “Chorus Investor Slideshow: September 2012”, p.32

[4] Optus, (2012), “Optus Submission to the ACCC Consultation Paper”, p.56, available online at

[5] Telstra, (2012), “Telstra Submission to the ACCC Consultation Paper”, pp.67-68, available online at

[6] NBN Co, (2013),  “NBN Co Special Access Undertaking”, available online here:

[7] Martin, I., (2011), “A Significant Gap in the NBN Corporate Plan”, in the Telecommunications Journal of Australia, Vol 61, No 3.

[8] NBN Co, (2012), “Corporate Plan, 2012-15”, p.69

[9] Kenny, R., (2012), “NBN Co’s Bold Assumptions on Australians’ Willingness to Pay”, available online at:

[10] Deutsche, (2012), “Telecommunications: Leaders and Laggards in an NBN Environment”, October 12.

[11] Ibid. p.15

[12] NBN Co, (2012), “Corporate Plan, 2012-15”, p.72

[13] JP Morgan, (2012), “Telstra Corporation,” December 13.

[14] Young, H., (2011), “The Governance of the NBN”, available online at:

[15] Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, (2013), “Estimates”, February 12, p.100

[16] Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, (2013), “Estimates”, February 12, p.109

[18] Joint Committee on the NBN, (2012), “Public Hearing”, October 30, 2012, p.18

[19] Joint Committee on the NBN, (2012), “Public Hearing”, October 30, 2012, p.4

[20] NBN Co, (2012), “Corporate Plan, 2012-15”, p.14

[21] NBN Co, (2013), “Answers to Questions on Notice, Public Hearing 30 October 2012”, Question 78

[22] NBN Co, (2013), “Answers to Questions on Notice, Public Hearing 30 October 2012”, Question79

[24] NBN Co, (2012), “NBN Co signs contracts to connect flats and units to the NBN”, available online at

[25] NBN Co, (2013), “Helping to Connect Apartments to the NBN”, available online at:

[26] McKinsey, (2009), “NBN Implementation Study”, p.79

[27] Estimates, May 24, pp.178-179

[28] NBN Co Annual Report, 2011-12, p.79

[29] Battersby, L., (2012), “Critics Attack Plan to Spend More on NBN Advertising”, available online here.

[30] NBN Co, (2013), “Answers to Questions on Notice, Public Hearing 30 October 2012”, Question370

[31] NBN Co, (2013), “Answers to Questions on Notice, Public Hearing 30 October 2012”, Question389

[32] NBN Co, (2012), “Annual Report”, p.24

[33] Berkovic, N., (2012), “PM's $150m Spin Doctor Brigade”, in The Australian, available online at:

[34] Estimates, October 16, p.127

[35] Dissenting Report by Coalition Members and Senators, available online here, p.137.

[36] Battersby, L., (2012), “Critics Attack Plan to Spend More on NBN Advertising”, available online here

[37] See Dissenting Report by Coalition Members and Senators, available online here, p.137.

[38] For instance, the ‘Connecting Australia’ newspaper published by the DBCDE.  See Turnbull, M., (2012), “The NBN Supports Newspapers. As for the Public Interest…” available online here.

[39] Durie, J., (2012), “Quigley Locks in Fast Track Deals”, in The Australian, October 11, available online at:

[40] Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, (2013), “Estimates”, February 12, p.120

[41] JCNBN Answers to Questions in Writing (17 September 2012), Question 7

[42] JCNBN Answers to Questions in Writing (17 September 2012), Questions 1-5
